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BBC go with BCE and not BC.

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And about time too. More of us should use BCE rather than BC, especially schools.




The mail are saying it's all about not offending non-Christians (likely Muslims) but I'm happy about that. I don't believe Christ existed so why should the whole of modern civilisation begin with the origin of his myth?


Though ultimately why we can't just use 5000 years ago rather than 3000 years BCE is beyond me.

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Here we go again. Yet more ridiculous PC rubbish from the BBC.


I don't know if they are aware but this country was formed and made great by being a Christian country. Ok we don't all go to church but our whole culture is based on Christian principles. We all know there are some iffy Christians about, especially in America and Ireland but this is not about the examples set by some, but the constant attack on traditional British culture..


Following us being force fed Halal meat, the ignorance show, by schools, to our real history and the constant chipping away of our values is there no end. Where will it all stop?


There's nothing wrong with saying AD or BC and if anyone is offended by it, that's tough...

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Is it the BBC's role* to impose changes on our use of language?


I'm quite comfortable with BC and AD and have no religious persuasion that I know of. You are correct of course about 5,000 years ago being much more sensible for most comparative purposes but that doesn't tell us when Julius Ceasar was murdered. (15/3/44BC as every schoolboy knows)




* Daily Mail caveat

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I have started a thread on this and I agree with the BBC. As an atheist living in a secular country why should anything that happened earlier than 2000 years ago be labelled as BC. there's no proof the man even existed and if he did he was likely mentally ill. Not really appropriate if you ask me.

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A free lesson to those stuck in a time warp.


Hardly anyone uses the terminology "what is your christain name," usually "what is your first name,"!!


We in the uk stuck to imperial measurements for far to long when there was a much easier way to measure and lean weights and measures, ie metric and they years we spens leaning that we were 5'10" tall were wasted.



Congrats to the BBC for moving on for once.


its nothing to do with certain communites but all peoples as we live in a modern world where many travel 24/7

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Well, Tony, If the BBC had said that they were doing this to fit with the modern world then it would not be so ridiculous.


They have told us their reasons apparently......and how they got to this decision I have no idea.


What's next? Do we give dates in alternative calendars too??


Do we renumber the years to avoid having any reference to a Christ??


The years are numbered as they are for a reason(yes I know it's dubious too, but hey that's how they are), so why not use the AD and BC? It's ridiculous.


Out of interest, does anyone know what the National Curriculum says on this? As if that's still AD and BC it's just going to confuse the kids.

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