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Labour want to lower tuition fees

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What Miliband was saying is that Labour's policy would to cut the maximum fees to £6,000 if the election were held now. As it isn't he might as well have said he'd reduce income tax to zero. He also said this after voting to keep the maximun tuition fee to £3,000, thus reversing previous policy and giving the government ammunition to say he's a hypocrite. If he goes on like this he'll be lucky to still be leader at the next election.

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I have a democratic right to vote in elections for what I think is the best policy and I always excercise this right.


Who are you to decide what is best? I Suppose a policy is only "best" if it keeps everyone else down and puts you top of the heap?


If people have the academic ability to go to university let them go and stop trying to play God with other peoples' lives.

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Abolish the fees!! my daughter is quite bright, gets her head down at school and does her best. but theres no way i could afford for her to go to uni, and i wouldnt want her to get into deep debt. so what is she going to do? wheres her incentive to do well? because the way things are she wont have the oppitunity to make something of herself! wheres the level playing field? should i tell her to just have fun at school because theres gona be no jobs and no oppitunity?

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If Labour want to reduce tuition fees, why the hell did they introduce them in the first place?


What kind of a daft question is that? Do you understand the difference between charging for something and not charging? Charging less for something is not giving it away for free.

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Abolish the fees!! my daughter is quite bright, gets her head down at school and does her best. but theres no way i could afford for her to go to uni, and i wouldnt want her to get into deep debt


But it is an affordable debt when you've graduated and got that good job paying a decent amount of money. Student loan repayments are minuscule.


Its high time people realised that everything can't be handed on a plate - car, house, and so on.

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Abolish the fees!! my daughter is quite bright, gets her head down at school and does her best. but theres no way i could afford for her to go to uni, and i wouldnt want her to get into deep debt. so what is she going to do? wheres her incentive to do well? because the way things are she wont have the oppitunity to make something of herself! wheres the level playing field? should i tell her to just have fun at school because theres gona be no jobs and no oppitunity?


She needs to invest in her own future...as alchresearch said the repayments are quite small...

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Abolish the fees!! my daughter is quite bright, gets her head down at school and does her best. but theres no way i could afford for her to go to uni, and i wouldnt want her to get into deep debt. so what is she going to do? wheres her incentive to do well? because the way things are she wont have the oppitunity to make something of herself! wheres the level playing field? should i tell her to just have fun at school because theres gona be no jobs and no oppitunity?


my bold

Surely Andy you are old enough to know that there is no such thing as a level playing field, that's life mate, if your daughter is quite bright and gets her head down, she will most likely make something of herself no matter what :thumbsup:

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