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Making Money On Internet Auction Sites.

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Just go an Email from one of our nieces and they have asked us a question as they feel that we are clever and have an answer for everything:hihi::hihi:


We do hold an account on a major net auction site, but rarely used, used to sell a car or two every year and buy odd stuff, other than that, no real skill.


She wants to know if she make a clear profit of about 150 to 200 quid a month, buying and selling.this is in order for her to go on hols, and on the whole have a a bit more cash to help her out as she is on a low wage, ie works in a supermarket and studying.


thanks in advance




PS - We won't tell her we asked for help here:hihi::hihi:

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You can make plenty of money on ebay, but key to it is either having something that nobody else has available for sale, or a product that you can buy cheaper elsewhere and sell, profitably, at a lower price than other ebay sellers.


Without one of those advantages you're just another little fish in a very large and very competitive pond.

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When my daughter was in high school, she worked for a well known clothing store. She frequently got close outs and end of season stuff practically free. A lot of it was stuff that was in high demand and available only in the US, sometimes only in California. Anyway, I helped her set up an ebay account.


I'd say the results were so so. She did make money, but the resulting trouble with buyers who didn't read carefully, who changed their minds after purchasing something, and sometimes dealing with a language barrier just wasn't worth it. She ended up selling most of it locally.


Bear in mind anytime you're dealing with the public, there just is no pleasing some people.

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I've know a couple of people who have relied on selling on E-bay to make a few quid. The main problem is that you regularly get buyers who mess things up because they complain because something does not arrive quickly or they have read the discription wrongly and the item is not what they wanted, or they wish to disagree about the shipping fee or something.


What can happen is your account or your paypal account gets suspended and you loose other sales or cannot collect other money. This is a significant problem and you have to mess about to get it up an running again.


The safest way to do it is to have more than one ebay account on the go using close relatives accounts and their permission of course. This way you can use alternate accounts to spread the risk, especially if you start to get expensive sales.

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