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Is any country in the world trying Labour's way out of the recession?

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And another thing, VAT Man went butt licking around the world when he seized power. Investment he called it. What is investment if it isn't borrowing other peoples' money and then paying it back with interest (If they didn't nobody would invest in the first place), if it isn't just another word for borrowing? In 18 month's of government their borrowing figures are up on the amounts borrowed by Labour.

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I can't wait for the SF Labour lovers to work their minds around Ed Balls' latest admissions, if they can.


He's saying that Labour must radically re-think its spending policies if it is to become electable again. Translation: he admits Labour screwed up in spades and almost bankrupted the country.


He's also saying that he will make no promises to reduce the coalition's saving and tax measures. Translation: He agrees the coalition is doing what any government in their position has to do to dig us out of the mire.


At least he's had the guts to say he got things wrong - can't remember Snatch or Major apologising for the 2 recessions under their respective premierships.

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we could borrow a bit extra and pump that directly into stimulating demand.

Money junkies are like any other junkie, they'll say/do anything to get their next fix.


Just a bit extra? We're borrowing record amounts on a monthly basis. How much more do you want?


UK public finances suffer worst April on record [April 2011]


U.K. Has Biggest August Budget Deficit on Record on Spending [August 2011]



as growth returns the increase in revenues will service the extra borrowing and eventually pay it off

We had the (so-called) longest period of sustained growth since the Industrial Revolution a few years ago.


And yet during this time the deficit rose to record levels.


And we were running record deficits before the financial crisis in case anyone asks.


UK budget deficit hits new record [June 2006]


So respectfully I must say that your plan is nonsense. We cannot solve a problem caused by too much borrowing and easy credit by more borrowing.


Stimulus? What is being stimulated? Retailers selling imported Chinese made electronic tat that we don't need?


You do realise that the bulk of such "stimulus" money will just go to China and South Korea etc.?

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And we were running record deficits before the financial crisis in case anyone asks.


UK budget deficit hits new record [June 2006]



Not as a percentage figure it wasn't!


2.7 % in 2006, compared with 8% in 1993 (Tory Govt).



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