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Night Life in Sheffield


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Well you tell me where there is to go out nowadays in Sheffield. you have Kingdom thats rubbish and people get date raped there then you have Gate Crasher which is full of out of towners and more drugs then you got Niche where theres good music but loads more drugs. Theres Fuel which is ok but was much better when it was purple then finally Dempseys which is a gay bar where we all tend to go as its the only decent place with good music..

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Who agrees that the night life in Sheffield has gone totally rubbish and there aint no where to go?


I moved back to Sheffield this summer (after a year away) & could'nt believe how much more variety and nice places there are to go, compared with twelve months ago!


Obviously it depends what "floats your boat". I very rarely go to clubs these days, I prefer all the chilled out / tosser free bars :thumbsup:

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Originally posted by Mz_BaBe

Well you tell me where there is to go out nowadays in Sheffield. you have Kingdom thats rubbish and people get date raped there then you have Gate Crasher which is full of out of towners and more drugs then you got Niche where theres good music but loads more drugs. Theres Fuel which is ok but was much better when it was purple then finally Dempseys which is a gay bar where we all tend to go as its the only decent place with good music..


Purple better than Fuel :loopy:

The place was the pits full of idiots who thought they were Superman after 2 pints :suspect:



Are you from Sheffield originally?

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This really get my blood boiling!!


I moved up to Sheffield from Reading about 6 months ago and I've made a massive effort to get myself out and about.. The night life in Sheffield is great and it's getting better.. And I'm very fussy about club/bars!!


Sorry if you think the night life in Sheffield is completely rubbish then I'd suggest it's due you being lazy!! Just like anything in life you get out what you put in..


Ok so here's my tips..

  • Get Exposed every month and read everything..
  • Get the cclive leaflet every month and read everything..
  • When out and about in town keep your eyes open for posters..
  • When coming out of clubs take the flyers and read them..
  • If you've never heard of anyone on the line ups research them!! Hey someone thinks they're good.. You never know they might be on to something.
  • Look out for every 1st Sat of the month or every other Weds type events.. These are some of the best night.. (think night not nightclub).
  • Search the web for events.. Look at forums for tips - ask questions..
  • Don't be afraid to try something new.
  • ... that's it off the top of my head but I'm sure I can think of more..


I get really annoyed when I'm out at a really good night in Sheffield and the turn out is poor.. There's lots of promoters really putting in a lot of effort to bring some great nights to Sheffield and they need people's support, otherwise they will stop...


I realise that it takes a lot effort, music is hard work! There's so much out there!! I think it's it worth it and to be fair it gets easier.. It's up to you..


Mz_BaBe: What music u into? Give me some top nights you've had recently? I'll see if I can make some suggestions for things to try...

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