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Should you be able to buy a degree? would save studying

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So you don't think degrees are virtually being bought now?


When you look at the foregn students (the chinese and the arabs who pay the high fees to study) I would be interested to know what percentage of these students are from a well to do background and whiat percentage come from the poverty stricken areas.


As I said before, the political elite will never back the return of the grammer school, because if they did - this would cause a serious threat to their own cosy exsistance.


Look at the political classes now, look at their backgrounds. Do you think they would want someone from a council estate being given the standard of education that they recieved? can you imagine what would happen to our political elite?


Can you imagine the policys that would be potentially brought in by these kinds of people? methinks the ivory towers that the political elite currently enjoy would come crashing down. Can you imagine policys on immigration, policys on crime, policys on rebuilding the economy if our political class came from all sections of society?


You whack up tuition fees to £30,000 per year (and its coming in a few years time) as you will buy your way to a good education and all the opportunitys that brings.


Or cut out the middle man and the effort, and simply pay £70,000

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No I don't. Foreign students obviously don't have access to UK students loans, but then we shouldn't feel obliged to provide the entire world with an meritocratic education system, our obligation is to our citizens.

That said, no matter who pays or how it's paid, everyone has to pass the same exams. Money won't get you a degree, it may get you access to a quality university if you aren't a UK citizen.


Look at the political classes now, look at their backgrounds

Most of them had fairly normal middle class upbringings didn't they, there are some with money behind them, and some who were working class.

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