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Has anything good ever come from Wales ?

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Without Aneurin Bevan the NHS wouldn't have happened. He later resigned from cabinet in protest against prescription charges whereas, for example, Blunkett's resignations weren't exactly on points of principle and hardly stopped him doing anything as socially beneficial as the NHS.

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One of the "better loved" gaffers at work comes from the Principality.


Oops sorry, I thought the thread title was "Is there anything that needs sending back to Wales for good."


Indeed to goodness, that's a fine looking ewe, look you boyo, etc., etc.

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....It is, after all, Wales and they aren't very good at inventing words ... The Welsh for 'Helicopter' is helicopter (understandable, perhaps ... but the Welsh for 'coat' is coat.)

No language in the world can compete with English in its variety of sources for its range of words. In its ability to include, borrow, absorb and create words -English has no rival.

So when asked what is the Welsh word for 'Helicopter' my reply woud be "What is the English word?" as 'Helicopter' was originally a French word.


So English and Welsh languages have used a French word.


Wrong- the Welsh word is for helicopter is 'hofrenydd'.


In Welsh the use of coat would also be incorrect. I would use côt..I think it is from the French word cotte

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