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Imran Khan says stop UK Aid to Pakistan

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The article by Imran Khan is about and directed at the UK and the aid that it gives to Pakistan informing us as to how virtualy none of the money reaches the needy.

How the hell Israel (GCP) gets a mention I'll never know, but if you continue trying to hijack the topic I'll report your silly post.




Someone tried this trick at another forum. Pathetic.

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But invariably when we see objections from people to aid being sent to Pakistan it's because they're haters, with a miserly self interest.


Now now Mr Friday I reckon that's a load of bunkum. You're basically saying, anyone with concerns about immigration or overseas aid, if they are white, are full of hate.


The evidence now is that they had the intelligence and foresight to see that aid to Pakistan is wrong. But you'll only agree with it when a Pakistani states the same. This is racist Mr Friday, plain and simple racist...:D


Nick Griffin broke the story of Pakistani men grooming young white girls many years ago. Because he was ignored many more innocent girls suffered. Your attitude contributed to this..

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Now now Mr Friday I reckon that's a load of bunkum. You're basically saying, anyone with concerns about immigration or overseas aid, if they are white, are full of hate.


The evidence now is that they had the intelligence and foresight to see that aid to Pakistan is wrong. But you'll only agree with it when a Pakistani states the same. This is racist Mr Friday, plain and simple racist...:D


Nick Griffin broke the story of Pakistani men grooming young white girls many years ago. Because he was ignored many more innocent girls suffered. Your attitude contributed to this..


So who believed him and who didn't. And for what reason did you not believe him...



Whatever your political leanings you will be right about some things. Some which will ruffle the feathers of the Liberal elite....


Nick Griffin was even arrested...for stating a fact.

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Now now Mr Friday I reckon that's a load of bunkum. You're basically saying, anyone with concerns about immigration or overseas aid, if they are white, are full of hate.


The evidence now is that they had the intelligence and foresight to see that aid to Pakistan is wrong. But you'll only agree with it when a Pakistani states the same. This is racist Mr Friday, plain and simple racist...:D


Nick Griffin broke the story of Pakistani men grooming young white girls many years ago. Because he was ignored many more innocent girls suffered. Your attitude contributed to this..


It seems brains exited stage left sometime over night..where have I said or implied anything like that Frank Sidney?


If anything I was championing the views of people of Pakistan and whites (or whoever) who have some connection with Pakistan as being more relevant than those who have no connection.


Presumably Bassman started the thread for that very reason-because the words of Imran Khan have more resonance than Joe Bloggs making similar observations. It would be unsurprising if Nick Griffin denounced aid being sent to Pakistan because of his politics, therefore he lacks credibility when speaking on the subject.


Incidentally, nowhere have I said I disagree with what Imran Khan has said or that whites have no business commenting on the subject.


You appear to be engaging in the generalisations that so afflict this forum, I don't believe Nick Griffin represents the views of whites any more than Abu Hamza represents those of Muslims. It's other posters who brought colour into the discussion.

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It seems brains exited stage left sometime over night..where have I said or implied anything like that Frank Sidney?


If anything I was championing the views of people of Pakistan and whites (or whoever) who have some connection with Pakistan as being more relevant than those who have no connection.


Presumably Bassman started the thread for that very reason-because the words of Imran Khan have more resonance than Joe Bloggs making similar observations. It would be unsurprising if Nick Griffin denounced aid being sent to Pakistan because of his politics, therefore he lacks credibility when speaking on the subject.


Incidentally, nowhere have I said I disagree with what Imran Khan has said or that whites have no business commenting on the subject.


You appear to be engaging in the generalisations that so afflicts this forum, I don't believe Nick Griffin represents the views of whites any more than Abu Hamza represents those of Muslims. It's other posters who brought colour into the discussion.


Its about facts. You only accept then when they come from someone of the same political mould...:D


What I'm saying is that maybe you should start listening to the more critical posters, like me, of issues close to your heart. They're not posted in malice or because the poster is full of hate, but because they are so glaringly, if be a little offensive to some, true...

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Its about facts. You only accept then when they come from someone of the same political mould...:D
Really? How do you arrive at that conclusion Frank? Even more significantly, how do you know what my political mould is? I don't know what Imran Khan's is.

What I'm saying is that maybe you should start listening to the more critical posters, like me, of issues close to your heart. They're not posted in malice or because the poster is full of hate, but because they are so glaringly, if be a little offensive to some, true...

I never suggested your posts were 'full of hate' or 'malice', I think you've managed to arrive at that all by yourself.


By the way, have a look at this thread I started last year about Major Geoffrey Whitelands, a 90+ year old white man who started a school in Pakistan. His views on Pakistan I'd readily accept and I've no idea what his politics are.




Not one reply to it, funny how the detractors suffer from selective blindness isn't it? ;)

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So a white person who lives here and 'actually has a knowledge and love of his country' isn't allowed to speak in similar terms?


Go on, then. Go off on numerous tangents, muddy the waters with mentions of Griffin, Daily Mail etc., but it's still astonishing double standards of how you (and others on here) use a so-called 'public forum' to close down debates.


thats about the only thing they're good at that....sf is becoming a laughing stock it's pointless .every time you complain about those two your post mysteriously disappears and the thread gets closed:roll:

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thats about the only thing they're good at that....sf is becoming a laughing stock it's pointless .every time you complain about those two your post mysteriously disappears and the thread gets closed:roll:


Perhaps because your complaints have no foundation? Just a thought :suspect:


By the way do you have any comment to make on the OP or are you here to police the forum in an unofficial moderator role and make irrelevant comments about me and Inspector Morse?

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