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Google Street used to plan 75% of burglaries.

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I would advise putting some kind of anti google maps slogan on your roof or back garden so next time they update you can stick it to the man and show they what you really feel!


Maybe a big arrow pointing across the street saying "FREE STUFF THATAWAY!" :hihi:

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You've just described something that could as easily happen in general conversation as on facebook though.


Yes, exactly. Except more information can be gained from more people in a shorter time than ever before. From the comfort of your armchair.


Mike doesn't even have to be having a conversation with Sarah about Lucy, all he has to do is keep looking at her and others' walls. This is what happens. It's like when you hear about people losing their jobs because of something they wrote on facebook.


I don't understand why people can't seem to resist doing it myself.


Don't get me wrong Cyclone, I've not said that Google maps, Facebook or Twitter should be banned or even that they encourage crime. I'm just explaining how the naive are exploited by the criminally savvy who use it as a tool.

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I use StreetView and SF aplenty, does that count?

Would do, but we drifted into talking about FB.


I'll have another side order of condescending with that, please :thumbsup:

Seems to be an awful lot of them still, then. In my (admittedly limited :P) experience.

There are, but then an awful lot of people don't lock their door.


Not really :huh: At any rate, certainly not the kind of "passing thoughts" I have seen posted and was referring to. Kind of depends on age and social circumstances, I suppose.

You don't tell your friends about holidays you planned? Or were you talking about all kinds of inane status updates like "I'm having a cup of tea" (which is a passing thought, but of no use to a thief)

Well, there we are. So what's your beef :huh:

I'm not. The survey is.

The survey was about street view, we drifted onto FB.


I am looking at it from a purely functional and dispassionate stance, as a repository of (mostly) publicly-accessible information.

It isn't mostly publicly accessible. At least not by default and not at all if you choose to restrict it.

Common sense still applies in the virtual world, the same as it does in the real world: what you don't say, cannot be misused against you by unscrupulous eavesdroppers. Especially if what you 'say' (show/type) just stays there to be seen/read at any later moment in time, until it's deleted or archived.


A simple enough point, I'd have thought :huh:


Yes, simple, likewise setting the security appropriately is also simple.

I wouldn't put a status about work as it might get back to them somehow, but I'm not in the slightest bit worried that a picture of my TV will inspire a thief to break in and steal it.

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