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Help Me Save a Building from being Demolished in the City Centre

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Sorry guys. Planning permission is not required for demolition of an unlisted building outside the cosnervation area. This is not an application for planning permission, it is an application of prior notification of development, a different thing, whereby the Council must determine whether controls over the method of demolition must be put in place. The principle of demolition is not up for debate, and no amount of objection will change this.


Up until a few months ago, they could have just rolled up with the bulldozers without telling anyone, but an important court case changed that and now demolition proposals need to be notified to the Council first. But planning permission is already deemed.



The best effort would be to try to get English Heritaeg to spot list it. The building does not look of listable quality. If you are determined though, go through this document :




and write to EH and copy the Council telling them how the building conforms with the criteria set out in the document. You are unliekly to succeed.

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The best effort would be to try to get English Heritage to spot list it. The building does not look of listable quality. You are unliekly to succeed.


I'd just like to say that having been inside this building recently that it does not have any real redeeming features. It's an vaguely interesting facade, but that's just about it. Inside it's just like a 1970's office building with no interesting or original features - really not worth saving. There are significantly more worthy building in the town centre, plus this one is 'stand alone' (it does not sit in an area of similar architecture). In that respect it adds nothing to the image of the city - it's just a big old knackered office block, only good for wargaming and pigeons. Move on.


Just because it's old, doesn't make it better.

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Not many old buildings remain in Sheffield City Centre after the war the good ones need to be saved. I remember after the last great rebuild the city centre looked so sterile and clinicle with no character.


Very good point. In the 60s and 70s the city looked modern and futuristic, but by the late 80s and early 90s it looked like a concrete monstrosity.


Classic buildings have timeless style and character.


But old and new can work together - just look at Withy Grove by the Printworks in Manchester. Or Liverpool Pier Head.

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Sorry guys. Planning permission is not required for demolition of an unlisted building outside the cosnervation area. This is not an application for planning permission, it is an application of prior notification of development, a different thing, whereby the Council must determine whether controls over the method of demolition must be put in place. The principle of demolition is not up for debate, and no amount of objection will change this.


Up until a few months ago, they could have just rolled up with the bulldozers without telling anyone, but an important court case changed that and now demolition proposals need to be notified to the Council first. But planning permission is already deemed.



The best effort would be to try to get English Heritaeg to spot list it. The building does not look of listable quality. If you are determined though, go through this document :




and write to EH and copy the Council telling them how the building conforms with the criteria set out in the document. You are unliekly to succeed.



Thanks for the info flyingfish, however this is exactlywhat MrSheffield is looking to do and was the purpose of this thread. He contacted EH yesterday with a proposal to list the building.


I'm not sure I personally agree it should (or even could) be listed but it is worth debating how we often bemoan the loss of older buildings from this city (pre-war) and yet a nice if not spectacular old structure can be demolished overnight without many people even realising.

Edited by AndrewC
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At a guess South Yorkshire Public Transport Executive. It's where you used to get your oldy bus passes from.


South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive and it's stood empty for few years now, why the sudden interest? If nobody has invested by now I don't think they are going to, shame but Sheffield City Centre needs dragging kicking and screaming into the 21st century in places and that and castle market are definitely in need of major over-haul but let's hope they can find a way to do this without demolishing them

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