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Help Me Save a Building from being Demolished in the City Centre

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Ive just told you why silly. Sheffield needs to be modernised, and stop trying to live in a past that dosent want it anymore.


Modernised? The city has been in constant modernisation and re modernisation for the past 40 yrs or so. We build a modern building and then we knock it down a few yrs later.:confused::loopy:

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Modernised? The city has been in constant modernisation and re modernisation for the past 40 yrs or so. We build a modern building and then we knock it down a few yrs later.:confused::loopy:


and you think sheffield is modern?? take a look at some other cities, and they put us to shame. there are old delapitated buildings still standing in sheffield that were just as bad 40 years ago. get rid of all those eyesores, and move on.

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Sheffield really is an awful looking city, and part of it is to do with keeping terrible buildings Standing. Out with the old, in with the new.


I don't really get this whole part of history point. What does it really matter?

I'm not saying we should knock down buildinds just for the sake of it, but at the same time buildings shouldn't be kept just because they are old or 'part of history'. By building new buildings, we are creating a new history.

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Mate this building is part of Sheffield's heritage, it dates back to 1925 so pulling it down would be a bit of a crime. It's not in danger of falling down at all. The only reason why the people who own it want to demolish it is because they can't be bothered to invest the money to bring it up to a modern day standard. All they want to do is make a profit, so they see the best way of doing that is to knock it down and sell the land off. Then we would be left with yet another bit of empty wasteland in the city centre.


WOW - I had no idea it was eighty odd years old. My gawd, that's almost Roman and at least Viking.

It'll be a treasure trove of ancient flat caps and racing pigeon bones.


Hang on a mo......


they can't be bothered to invest the money to bring it up to a modern day standard


It's going to cost a lot of cash to keep some old dump running so they, in these times of tight business, they think it's best to dump the mess.


I took a second look at the photo. The building, if it was a bird in a night club, would be the fat, smelly, ugly slapper in the corner that always goes home without getting shagged.


It's ugly as well as pointless. If you think it's so great - Buy it.

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WOW - I had no idea it was eighty odd years old. My gawd, that's almost Roman and at least Viking.

It'll be a treasure trove of ancient flat caps and racing pigeon bones.


Hang on a mo......




It's going to cost a lot of cash to keep some old dump running so they, in these times of tight business, they think it's best to dump the mess.


I took a second look at the photo. The building, if it was a bird in a night club, would be the fat, smelly, ugly slapper in the corner that always goes home without getting shagged.


It's ugly as well as pointless. If you think it's so great - Buy it.


If this building was demolished what would replace it?nothing!for a few years there would just be a pile of rubble. I can think of many more buildings in the city centre that are worthy of demolition then this. This is only an old dump because the people who own it have not taken care of it, it's their fault it's not being let out as offices. People can not be allowed to just demolish a part of a city's heritage just because they want to make a quick profit. This kind of thing happened all the time in the 60's and we lost many great buildings as a result, have we not learnt out lessons.

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If this building was demolished what would replace it?nothing!for a few years there would just be a pile of rubble. I can think of many more buildings in the city centre that are worthy of demolition then this. This is only an old dump because the people who own it have not taken care of it, it's their fault it's not being let out as offices. People can not be allowed to just demolish a part of a city's heritage just because they want to make a quick profit. This kind of thing happened all the time in the 60's and we lost many great buildings as a result, have we not learnt out lessons.


So buy the place and shut up bleating on about it.

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So buy the place and shut up bleating on about it.

Dear Mr Upinwath,

The whole point of being on Sheffield forum is that every one can bleat [as you put it] about any subject thats takes there fancy this inc Fooball, Planning, Ballroom Dancing, Mankin,and uncle Tom Cobley and all .

If as you sugest we should all shut up and go away then there would be no forum so lets all join in and be constructive and not resort to personal abuse we are all Sheffielders are we not!

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Dear Mr Upinwath,

The whole point of being on Sheffield forum is that every one can bleat [as you put it] about any subject thats takes there fancy this inc Fooball, Planning, Ballroom Dancing, Mankin,and uncle Tom Cobley and all .

If as you sugest we should all shut up and go away then there would be no forum so lets all join in and be constructive and not resort to personal abuse we are all Sheffielders are we not!


Bleating is fine if you you're willing to actually do something.

That item is expecting tax payers or anyone but himself to pay for his folly.


Christ on a bike, it's just a dump that some people in Sheff will remember being built. It ain't like it's history worth bothering with.


Come on, this is just another daft Tinsley towers thread. Lets paint them green and call them "Industry goes green" to suit some modern idea of art that would cost a fortune for years to come while we have people living on the streets.


It's worse than pathetic.

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If this building was demolished what would replace it?nothing!for a few years there would just be a pile of rubble. I can think of many more buildings in the city centre that are worthy of demolition then this. This is only an old dump because the people who own it have not taken care of it, it's their fault it's not being let out as offices. People can not be allowed to just demolish a part of a city's heritage just because they want to make a quick profit. This kind of thing happened all the time in the 60's and we lost many great buildings as a result, have we not learnt out lessons.


What proof do you have that there will just be rubble for years? And anyway, how is that worse than watching a building slowly crumble and giving a dry place for junkies to hang-out?

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