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Help Me Save a Building from being Demolished in the City Centre

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A collage course?




You want better planning, get involved. It's all there for those who make the effort instead of whinging from the safety of Sheffield Forum.

Well spotted Duck,Ten house points.

Whats the safety of the forum got to do with being interested in Town Planning.

And would it make one iota of difference if i go down to the planning dept tomorrow and tell them what a mess they have made in Sheffield.

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Well spotted Duck,Ten house points.





Whats the safety of the forum got to do with being interested in Town Planning.

And would it make one iota of difference if i go down to the planning dept tomorrow and tell them what a mess they have made in Sheffield.


Not really because going down there to spout unconstructive criticism wouldn't really help anyone. The difference would be made when the local planners ask you what you would do differently and you eloquently list all the well-researched, well reason alternatives you have for any 'mistakes' you have identified. The really awesome bit is when they give you the massive stack of outstanding Applications for awful buildings designed solely to make money and the big book of planning guidlines from councillors and national government and tell you "there you go then, sort that lot out".


Unfortunately though, you then have to go through the bit where having finally sifted through all the applications you proudly send each and every one of your recommendations to the local planning board, who proudly go against you in every decision they make.

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Not really because going down there to spout unconstructive criticism wouldn't really help anyone. The difference would be made when the local planners ask you what you would do differently and you eloquently list all the well-researched, well reason alternatives you have for any 'mistakes' you have identified. The really awesome bit is when they give you the massive stack of outstanding Applications for awful buildings designed solely to make money and the big book of planning guidlines from councillors and national government and tell you "there you go then, sort that lot out".


Unfortunately though, you then have to go through the bit where having finally sifted through all the applications you proudly send each and every one of your recommendations to the local planning board, who proudly go against you in every decision they make.

Then the system is wrong and the Planning dept a waste of time.

As to spouting nonconstructive criticism i would still ask why a building that was constructed only 20 or 30 years ago at the cost of millions to the rate payer is now no good ,as it was the planners ,Architects, and councillors who passed it in the first place.

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hi there,

have you had a word with English Heritage yet, if you speak to them they might point you in the right direction to get something or some one to get you further forward. If you have a governing body supporting you things might get done and a lot quicker.

The councils do tend to treat the average joe bloggs like a number, but if you have a big concern like English Heritage dealing with the case it may take the council down a peg or two, I wish you good luck and hope my imput helps a bit


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hi there,

have you had a word with English Heritage yet, if you speak to them they might point you in the right direction to get something or some one to get you further forward. If you have a governing body supporting you things might get done and a lot quicker.

The councils do tend to treat the average joe bloggs like a number, but if you have a big concern like English Heritage dealing with the case it may take the council down a peg or two, I wish you good luck and hope my imput helps a bit



You need back up if you apply for listing i know from past experience.

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  • 2 months later...

The demolition of Hambleton House has been granted!this is a crime, maybe we should try and get the occupy people in there to save it!Looks like we are gonna have another empty bit of wasteland in the city centre then!


Here is the officers report.

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A collage course?



You want better planning, get involved. It's all there for those who make the effort instead of whinging from the safety of Sheffield Forum.


Looks like Sheffield planners went on one, wonder when they'll make a building out of old corduroy and sticky back plastic.

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The demolition of Hambleton House has been granted!this is a crime, maybe we should try and get the occupy people in there to save it!Looks like we are gonna have another empty bit of wasteland in the city centre then!


Here is the officers report.

Perhaps the Sheffield History group who seem to have some kind of sway at the Town Hall and Sheffield Star have some interest in getting this lovely building demolished as they seem to think that a mythical Castle will somehow spring up on or near this site.

No doubt the remaining historical buildings in the emediate area will soon follow inc The Rotherham House and two adjoining buildings.

This policy means that the final historical links with the Market area are being nibbled away little by little so as an important part of Sheffields past is gone forever just as happened on the other side of Sheaf St with the Corn Exchange .[ Damaged by fire in the first place but restorable]

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