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Help Me Save a Building from being Demolished in the City Centre

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It's good to see that this office building is once again being used productively. Hopefully the income generated from these artisans will lead to a full renovation of the site ensuring that it does not blight a rapidly developing area of the city.


Do you have any details of the long term plans for the building and how this is congruent with the Castle Market redevelopment project?

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Dont you just love people who go around getting buildings listed to stand in the way of progress and regeneration? :rolleyes:


I heard something to the effect that a park would be put in the place of all the buildings demolished in that area.


How stupid is that from Sheffield Council !! we have enough parks, it will do nothing to regenerate the area or help the economy, just become a haven for tramps, druggies, muggers and prostitutes at night !! Bonkers !!

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No, sadly it's only Manor Oaks which is open today.


However we'll be having a pop up shop from 4th-14th December where the downstairs exhibition space will be open to the public with artwork, gifts and crafts for sale if you'd like to drop in then.


If you 'like' the Exchange Place Facebook page then you can be kept updated about future events.


I can't see how the building could possibly be a blight on the area, I think the frontage is actually quite appealing. It does have grotty bits as with any building which has stood empty for a while, but we are renovating it room by room and it's really inspiring to see the building full of life and activity, and helping the local economy. The creative sector in Sheffield is really blossoming, and it's thanks to initiatives such as Yorkshire Artspace that local creative businesses can flourish.

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Good stuff,i used to pass that building on my way home from work.Glad it has been saved when so many old buildings have been lost over the years.All it takes his some vision and hard work to bring an old building back to life instead of just putting up another concrete and glass box in its place,we have enough of those already.:thumbsup:

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