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Castle Hotel; Castleton


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Did anyone else have the misfortune to work here during the late seventies/early eighties. It was owned by a couple called Walker, and the staff turnover was unbelievable.


I did a whole month and was nearly up for a long service award.


I love to listen to the ex solicitor who own the Rutland Hotel in Bakewell, he must say the F word once in every 10 words that he speaks. He's been on The Hotel Inspector and The Antique Roadshow so far, he is an absolute star.

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I had the pleasure of delivering every day to the Castle Hotel in the late 70s for Fletchers Bakeries you are spot on about the place.It was one of the last drops on my round and a gigantic pain in the jacksey,no matter what they ordered it was always wrong.Mrs Walker kicked us out several times and then after a while rang the firm for me to call again because nobody else would wear them!.At that time I would never eat there, I was in the kitchen one day ,a meal was sent back for being cold,the waiter put his fingers in it,the chef who was a scruffy spotty mess put his in as well then it went in the microwave ,came out fingers in again[Thats better!]and back out it went!.Another time a party of handicapped people had finished their meal and were waiting in the doorway for their coach as it was raining outside,Graham Walker told them to go outside as they were blocking the door,the coach driver wanted to thump him,its a pity he didn,t!:roll::suspect:

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That was it - Graham Walker. What an arsehole, and his wife, a total waste of skin stealing oxygen a couple of dead dogs could use.


Typical shift hours on a friday went from 6am breakfast, straight through lunch and prep for evening, then evening service, and a midnight finish. Then that stupid tosser comes in and says 'Ive got some mates staying for a drink after time, can you knock a curry up for 20'.

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I love to listen to the ex solicitor who own the Rutland Hotel in Bakewell, he must say the F word once in every 10 words that he speaks. He's been on The Hotel Inspector and The Antique Roadshow so far, he is an absolute star.



I think he has sold it now. I went in on a saturday lunchtime a few weeks ago, and it seemed as if it was being run by someone who knew what they were doing.

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