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Atheist,agnostic,creationist, or something else ?

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Penicillin, vaccinations, sanitation, mosquito control, clean water... I think that science and it's offshoots win comfortably on the good/bad scale.


Compare that to the Inquisition, Crusades... well I could go on but it would be embarrassing.


Atheist logic is so embarrassing. Please explain the thought process by which you arrive at the conclusion that only a godless person can provide clean water.


While you are doing that explain the process by which people are accused of mass murder when they believe it is wrong to kill.

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Atheist logic is so embarrassing. Please explain the thought process by which you arrive at the conclusion that only a godless person can provide clean water.


While you are doing that explain the process by which people are accused of mass murder when they believe it is wrong to kill.



Hi Grahame. It's not as embarrassing as making a strawman argument though. I said not one thing whatsoever about the beliefs of the people practicing science did I, so your question is irrelevant.

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...apart from when he ruled by threats, intimidation, terrorism and massacres.

I think that's already been done to death on enough threads though.


Did it not register with you in the other thread that Baal which is another name for Satan is also called Lord and God.

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Atheist logic is so embarrassing. Please explain the thought process by which you arrive at the conclusion that only a godless person can provide clean water.


While you are doing that explain the process by which people are accused of mass murder when they believe it is wrong to kill.


Where has he said ONLY a godless person can provide water? Good to have you back and twisting words again Grahame :thumbsup:


Did it not register with you in the other thread that Baal which is another name for Satan is also called Lord and God.


What's that got to do with God smiting people, casting plagues and killing newborns?

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What's that got to do with God smiting people, casting plagues and killing newborns?


God is the giver of life while Satan is the destroyer of life. When you talk about the angel of death you are talking about Satan and demonology.


"The Israelites sacrificed to these demons or devils in the open fields (Lev. xvii. 7; A. V. "devils"; R. V., incorrectly, "he-goats"), are satyr-like demons, described as dancing in the wilderness (Isa. xiii. 21, xxxiv. 14; compare Maimonides, "Moreh," iii. 46; Vergil's "Eclogues," v. 73, "saltantes satyri"), and are identical with the jinn of the Arabian woods and deserts (see Wellhausen, l.c., and Smith, l.c.). To the same class belongs Azazel, the goat-like demon of the wilderness (Lev. xvi. 10 et seq.), The demons in the Bible are of two classes, the "se'irim" and the "shedim.."
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God is the giver of life while Satan is the destroyer of life. When you talk about the angel of death you are talking about Satan and demonology.


No, I haven't mentioned an angel of death at all. I said God.


This is exactly why I didn't miss you Grahame, your persistent, blatant attempts to derail all thread that mention the Christian god.

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No, I haven't mentioned an angel of death at all. I said God.


This is exactly why I didn't miss you Grahame, your persistent, blatant attempts to derail all thread that mention the Christian god.


What is this about the Christian God?


Do you not understand that Christians follow the teaching of Jesus Christ?


You would be best employed spending your time on Jewish forums. They will soon put you right.


By the way Satan is evil, you quote a lot of it yourself.

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What is this about the Christian God?


Do you not understand that Christians follow the teaching of Jesus Christ?


You would be best employed spending your time on Jewish forums. They will soon put you right.


I wish Salsafan was still here to meet you. She was asking about you.



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Even your signature is virtually the same as the ones you had under Grahame's account, you could at least TRY and make an effort.


"The Old Testament people worshipped multiple gods including Satan and were into demonology. Only occasionally did they turn to the true God of the New Testament and when they did things went well for them and they prospered."

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Even your signature is virtually the same as the ones you had under Grahame's account, you could at least TRY and make an effort.


"The Old Testament people worshipped multiple gods including Satan and were into demonology. Only occasionally did they turn to the true God of the New Testament and when they did things went well for them and they prospered."


The effort needs to come from you who is currently labouring under gross misunderstanding.

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