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Complete Overhaul

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I have been stuck in a rut for a while and today I feel like its time for a complete overhaul. Anybody ever felt the same?


I looked in the mirror yesterday and thought OMG! I have half heartedly tried to slim down a little before (I am 5'3" and weigh 10 st 5lb and want to be 9 stone as a realistic goal) but have always caved at a glass of wine (and end up polishing off the bottle or starting a bar of chocolate and demolishing the lot!!!)


Also theres the personal grooming. Yes I am always clean and tidy but thats about as far as I go. I don't really 'do' anything with my hair, don't exfoliate or moisturise or wear makeup anymore, you know all those things that make us girls feel nice!


Then there's the clothes. I rarely buy anything. I go round picking items up then end up putting them all back and buy something for my son instead! Even in cheap shops such as Primark I never end up at the till and when I go out I have nothing to wear and end up buying something completely horrendous, which makes my large middle look even larger!!!


The last thing is exercise. I love it when I actually sum up the motivation to get off my bum! Its just the thoughts of doing it that puts me off.


So I reckoned that if I got myself geared up during the winter, come summer I will be raring to go (and have a super bikini bod to boot!)..........its just those winter stew and dumpling meals mmmmmmmmmmm!



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Why not start now? its still nice enough outside to get active and during the winter months you can train inside? If you keep putting off until next summer you will find an excuse not to do it then instead.


That's what usually happens anyway, while you have the motivation to do it now then why wait??

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Yes, feel like that quite often!


I never used to leave the house without my make up done, a carefully chosen outfit, and my main concern was when I could afford to buy that new pair of amazing jeans I'd been after and what top I could pair it with...


Now I hardly ever buy myself anything and although I don't have kids, my dogs have got a better wardrobe than I have and they eat better too...!!


I try my best to moisturise, exfoliate and generally look after myself and I used to beat myself up about it too....


But the truth is I've realised, I'm actually happy in my joggers and vest walking the dogs with no make up on, and so what if I can only be bothered to wipe my face with a face wipe and moisturise with Dove cream rather than Clinique 3-in-1 facewash, moisturing, anti-ageing super power rocket-fuel cream...give me a break, life's too short to spend half of it making ourselves look immaculate on the outside...I can think of a million better ways to spend my time..


Don't get me wrong, it's good for the self-esteem to every now and then make an effort to look good and therefore feel good about ourselves in a sparkling new dress, or those gorgeous shoes, or that lovely new perfume..little indulgences...but for me when it becomes an obligation, I'd rather opt out and just BE ME, joggers and all :hihi:

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Why not start now? its still nice enough outside to get active and during the winter months you can train inside? If you keep putting off until next summer you will find an excuse not to do it then instead.


That's what usually happens anyway, while you have the motivation to do it now then why wait??


I worded that a bit wrong I meant start now and by the summer Ill be a whizz at it :)


I can run in the dark too during winter so no one can see my beetroot face! :hihi:

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