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'The NHS is going bust'


Should the NHS be immune from cuts?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the NHS be immune from cuts?

    • no
    • yes

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iw wouldn't then just be sports, it would be any accidental injury. have you never absent mindedly injured yourself, maybe you'd had one too many glasses of wine, had just got out of bed r just weren't focusing on what you were doing. accidents happen and people need to be able to get medical treatment regardless of their income or whether they have insurance.


what you are proposing sounds like aslippery slope to this or some kind of privatised american version.

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So if I'm doing some extreme sport to get fit an I fall and break my arm I shouldn't be entitled to help onthe NHS as it is a self inflicted injury?


Assuming that you don't partake in nude wrestling on Fargate (that would be really extreme) if you can afford the expensive gear needed for your hobby you can also afford the insurance premium for repairing your broken bones.

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iw wouldn't then just be sports, it would be any accidental injury. have you never absent mindedly injured yourself, maybe you'd had one too many glasses of wine, had just got out of bed r just weren't focusing on what you were doing. accidents happen and people need to be able to get medical treatment regardless of their income or whether they have insurance.


what you are proposing sounds like aslippery slope to this or some kind of privatised american version.


Accidents happen,of course they do,but participating in an extreme sport as you originally said does volountarily increase the risk....I can't understand why anyone participating in that sort of sport wouldn't insure themselves..at least for loss of earnings...another point you've raised is alcohol..go into A and E on Friday/Saturday evening and see how much that costs the NHS..

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So we want to blame the fat, the alcoholics, the smokers, the foreigners and whoever for the financial mess the NHS is in. Well that is just exactly what the politicians and corporate interests want you to do, so congratulations to the small minded.


The fact is the corporate world sees the NHS as a gigantic cash cow, and like all salivating corporate greed mongers it how to slice up the cow without the people realising it. So PFI was a stroke of corporate genius, as why pay a fair price for something when over time you could make the NHS pay 10 times more for the same thing, and its all legal too. So had we not given the money to the corporations, backed by our favourite people the bankers, then there would be money enough for everyones needs.


Banks do not like anything to do with socialism, the greater good, for obvious financial reasons. Why should the many have the benefit when the few could have the rewards, and accounting is just legal trickery, as bankers, offshore accounts, and corporate greed has so well demonstrated.


Corporate interests have been slicing into the NHS cash cow for a few decades, paying politicians and their civil servant advisors, with the usual flattery, bribes, and jobs on the board, and all legal, as the people benefiting, make the laws, and therefore do not have to break them.


In Greece the slicing of the public services had been done away with, and wholesale sell offs at knock down prices have allowed the banks to own anything of any value or potential value outright. The own the people, pay the wages of anyone connected to public services, the infrastructure, the mineral rights, tourist income, in fact everything, as they cooked the books to begin with, and thus blame the government for the mess. It is not happening over here in such an overnight form, but slowly but deliberately through stealth. Just look at how much of the public services are run by corporations or have been privatised outright all sold on the premise that the private interests can do it cheaper than the public employees.


In our democracy your contribution to how the country is run, is by you putting a cross on a piece of paper. Something even the illiterate can manage, as did tribes in the USA, and Africa a hundred or so years ago. After you manage to scratch that cross, you then leave all responsibility for all taxes to a bunch of jumped up greedy self interested low lifers, who prove over and over again, lining their own pockets is a priority.


So do not complain about the expenses of the NHS being so called squandered on the foreigners, smokers, fat, drinkers and such, when the reality is, you are being robbed to such a degree you cannot comprehend the amounts involved. That is why they debate the falling cash in the NHS, and ordinary decent people fall for it, as such psychopathic greed is beyond their comprehension, and they seek to find explanations in blaming scapegoats fed to them by sly politicians, for public slaughter.

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