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Ed Milliband at conference

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The bits i heard were awful, spin over substance, soundbites and no actual policies.
Too true!.............all you ever hear from the lad, God bless 'im.............is, "we must have growth"..."we must have growth".........but with no roadmap how to get there!

We all know we need growth Ed,the trick is how do you get it without borrowing more money to create more public sector jobs!

Somebody needs to whisper in your ear that it is wealth creating jobs we need,not more and more public sector jobs that just consume tax revenues.

Nobody will take you serious while ever you stick to the mantra of Growth! Growth! Growth! without giving us a credible clue as to how it can be achieved!

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How anybody could be thinking of voting Labour again is beyond belief,Milliband is a lightweight the rest of them a joke!.Whats wrong with peoples memories they have took us down the toilet for the last ten years,I don,t believe anything they say.But I suppose when everything is put right hopefully, they will be voted back in to **** it all up again,they are supposed to be for the working class but all they seem to do is shaft us all.To me all politicians promise you this and that and when they are voted in its up yours,they never carry out the wishes of the majority only what they want!Rant Over!Goodnight and good luck.:huh::help:

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I would have prefered a labour lib dem colab, but it seemed like that wasn't a possibility unless gorden brown left the party and he was unprepared to do that at the time.


Each to their own. I'd rather have abu hamza and silvio berlosconi in the coalition than the last lot of unprincipled nation ruiners.

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.To me all politicians promise you this and that and when they are voted in its up yours,they never carry out the wishes of the majority only what they want!Rant Over!Goodnight and good luck.:huh::help:


welcome to politics :D maybe one day we will end up with asystem where parties and MP's are more accountable to their electorate.

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I’m surprised the ordinance didn’t boo him off the stage for talking sense; he may as well have called them all a bunch of idiots for spending above their means. Unfortunately they are the Labour party and not him so if we are ever unfortunate enough to have another Labour government we will get much of what we had to endure for the past thirteen years.

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Too true!.............all you ever hear from the lad, God bless 'im.............is, "we must have growth"..."we must have growth".........but with no roadmap how to get there!

We all know we need growth Ed,the trick is how do you get it without borrowing more money to create more public sector jobs!

Somebody needs to whisper in your ear that it is wealth creating jobs we need,not more and more public sector jobs that just consume tax revenues.

Nobody will take you serious while ever you stick to the mantra of Growth! Growth! Growth! without giving us a credible clue as to how it can be achieved!


Well radical that it might seem, but rather than taking money off the poor whilst leaving the well-off untouched you could let those people keep their current levels of Benefit to spend in the local businesses.

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I’m surprised the ordinance didn’t boo him off the stage for talking sense; he may as well have called them all a bunch of idiots for spending above their means. Unfortunately they are the Labour party and not him so if we are ever unfortunate enough to have another Labour government we will get much of what we had to endure for the past thirteen years.


What did you have to endure?

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