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Ed Milliband at conference

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Why does Ed Miliband keep banging on about Thatcher? I don't get it. Please can we have a proper OPPOSITION.


yes i have noticed that.actually apologising for labour not supporting some of thatchers policies.whats that all about.i think he is trying to show he has moved more to the right.--its a shame to say this but if labour don,t have a better leader they are likely to remain in the shadow for another 17 years like before.whatever the policies in any party (wrong as it might be) if people don't like the leader they will not vote for the party.

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As a Tory, for him because he's leading the party ever further away from being electable!


At the moment he's doing nothing to challenge the government and people are starting to see its all smoke and mirrors - especially regarding cuts.


I've always said he will be nothing more than a party caretaker - Labours Ian Duncan Smith or Menzies Campbell, and won't be Labour's next PM.

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I can't believe people are still falling for all this crap. In less than 2 years, we've seen all 3 'major' parties in action and none has a clue.


Since they perfected the formula that gives them power and wealth (the only things politicians are concerned about), namely spouting populist crap, making promises they've no intention of keeping and pretending to understand the global economy, all three have morphed into a middle-ground, purple sludge and yet people still believe them!


Millipede going on about his 'assault on the predatory wealthy' was particularly laughable. There is no more powerful occupation - bankers included - than politicians who can be described as 'predatory wealthy'. FFS! Even the snivelling brat (Rory Weal) who lied at this latest conference about having 'nothing, no money, no savings' lied through his teeth as he has had a very priviledged background.


Then we have Balls who the BBC can't give enough air time to as he pretends we're in Year Zero and 13 years of misrule - of which he was central to - never existed.


Cameron has an ideal foil with the wet, inexperienced LibDems. Oh, how he'd like to give the people a referendum on Europe, The Human Rights Act etc. etc. but, in true playground style bleats 'Sir! They won't let me, sir!'


To Hell in a handcart is where we're heading (we're halfway there) but while millions of suckers keep falling for the 3-card-trick of conferences and elections, who can blame the shyster politicians making hay before they head off into the sunset? With our money?

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