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Ed Milliband at conference

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I can't believe people are still falling for all this crap. In less than 2 years, we've seen all 3 'major' parties in action and none has a clue.


To Hell in a handcart is where we're heading (we're halfway there) but while millions of suckers keep falling for the 3-card-trick of conferences and elections, who can blame the shyster politicians making hay before they head off into the sunset? With our money?

It's not often I agree with anything grafikhaus74 posts (in fact, I think we've had several susbtantial disagreements over the years, what with me being mostly right-thinking and grafik left-thinking (if I'm not mistaken))...but there you go :o


The current political class might soon manage the unthinkable: unite the entire electorate into despising them all into oblivion, regardless of party allegiance!:D


EDIT (on topic): As for EM's speech...empty, vacuous, populist rethoric. No real policy material, never mind solutions, and even his 'stated aims' were so head-in-the-clouds as to be downright laughable.

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It's not often grafikhaus74 posts anything I agree with (in fact, I think we've had several susbtantial disagreements over the years, what with me being mostly right-thinking and grafik left-thinking (if I'm not mistaken)), but there you go :o


I've looked in vain for a 'smilie' that depicts somebody spitting coffee all over!


'Left-thinking?' Moi?:hihi:

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I must have been mistaken, then (age catching up with me), and of course offer humble apologies if that is the case :blush:


Absolutely no need for apologies, LOOb. I'm neither 'left', 'right' or 'centrist', probably anti-Establishment. Not in a sense of the rioting scum we saw in action last month, but someone who has seen all the people I was brought up to look up to, respect and doff my cap to - politicians, bankers, lawyers, teachers and, in some cases, the police - actually become 'False Prophets', people who have only thought for their own little ffiefdoms and screw the rest of us.


We're living through interesting, albeit dangerous times. In just the last couple of days we've heard about 3000 more jobs at BAE being lost and Felixstowe expanding to accomodate super container ships carrying up to 18,000 containers of (mostly Chinese) products. How are people going to be able to afford these goods?


The centrist, purple mush (might copyright that!) are devoid of ideas or direction, preferring to use the age-old 'divide and rule' tactics so evident on this forum and elsewhere to cling on to the trappings of power and wealth they crave.


We see the Greeks rioting. Who can blame them? Unlike the feckless criminals here in August, these are normal, working people (some may have served you in a taverna) but, as ever, the politicians have let them down.


Politicians are the cause of all the ills in the World, whether it's ill-conceived wars, a criminal lack of forward planning or just their own personal corruption.

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Absolutely no need for apologies, LOOb. I'm neither 'left', 'right' or 'centrist', probably anti-Establishment. Not in a sense of the rioting scum we saw in action last month, but someone who has seen all the people I was brought up to look up to, respect and doff my cap to - politicians, bankers, lawyers, teachers and, in some cases, the police - actually become 'False Prophets', people who have only thought for their own little ffiefdoms and screw the rest of us.


We're living through interesting, albeit dangerous times. In just the last couple of days we've heard about 3000 more jobs at BAE being lost and Felixstowe expanding to accomodate super container ships carrying up to 18,000 containers of (mostly Chinese) products. How are people going to be able to afford these goods?


The centrist, purple mush (might copyright that!) are devoid of ideas or direction, preferring to use the age-old 'divide and rule' tactics so evident on this forum and elsewhere to cling on to the trappings of power and wealth they crave.


We see the Greeks rioting. Who can blame them? Unlike the feckless criminals here in August, these are normal, working people (some may have served you in a taverna) but, as ever, the politicians have let them down.


Politicians are the cause of all the ills in the World, whether it's ill-conceived wars, a criminal lack of forward planning or just their own personal corruption.

I would agree with the majority of what you say!......but as for the Greeks,well!...if the major employer is the public sector and you want to retire at fifty and go eat olives on a warm sunny beach somewhere,that's going to get right up the Germans noses! who now wish they had the old Deutsche-mark back and are frantically giving up the idea of establishing the 4th Reich.......many wishing they had never heard of the dammed EU.
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Absolutely no need for apologies, LOOb.
Thank you, gracious of you :)


I'm neither 'left', 'right' or 'centrist', probably anti-Establishment. Not in a sense of the rioting scum we saw in action last month, but someone who has seen all the people I was brought up to look up to, respect and doff my cap to - politicians, bankers, lawyers, teachers and, in some cases, the police - actually become 'False Prophets', people who have only thought for their own little ffiefdoms and screw the rest of us.
I can appreciate, and relate, to all that (even though I am a 'lawyer', of sorts :o). I can't vote in the UK (for MPs anyway), so have the dubious luxury of being pretty much in the same situation (effectively neither 'left', nor 'right' or 'centrist'...quite on the contrary :D)


It's worse elsewhere, though - one of my main motivations for coming over to the UK back in the day (a sense, since vindicated many times over, that there is still enough meritocracy left here, compared to several prominent EU countries, to make something decent of yourself if you have the drive for it).

The centrist, purple mush (might copyright that!)
Trade mark, is what you're looking for ;)

We see the Greeks rioting. Who can blame them? Unlike the feckless criminals here in August, these are normal, working people (some may have served you in a taverna) but, as ever, the politicians have let them down.
I expect the brand-spanking-new property tax that their Gvt quickly rammed past this morning will not appease matters, much.


I just see Greece as the shape of things to come elsewhere, in time (US, other EU countries, maybe even here), because the causes, symptoms and ills are essentially the same - only the Greeks did the Gvt-by-credit-card thing louder and faster than others.

but as for the Greeks,well!...if the major employer is the public sector and you want to retire at fifty and go eat olives on a warm sunny beach somewhere,that's going to get right up the Germans noses!
It's not that different here. And, with reference to the topic, a lot of what EM said was designed to appeal to that particular section of the electorate in mind (...you know, the one Labour bought itself in the past 13 years ;)). Goes fully in the sense of grafik's points about dividing/conquering and electorate-shopping (that was so transparent in the speech it hurt!)
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