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Are Fat Women Deeply Sad Inside?

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But aren't looks important in this world?


They are...& it's not just women that fall into the trap of feeling like they have to look their best all the time. In the last few years I've noticed guys walking round town looking like the models from Men's Health magazine, all ripped & six packs. For someone like me who doesn't look like that, it can be disconcerting. But do they look like that for their own benefit, or do they feel insecure about how others percieve them?

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But aren't looks important in this world?


Well the answer to that question is both yes and no, isn't it?



We know, because people who research these kinds of things tell us so, that those perceived as good looking tend to earn more, make more career progress and so on - and we know from personal experience that odd or unfortunate faces and bodies can be offputting.


But it's also no, because we also know that looks fade and change and that what seems ugly to one person can seem utterly beautiful to another; also that the truth is that personality, warmth and dozens of other qualities are ultimately worth so much more than mere surface appearances.

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They are...& it's not just women that fall into the trap of feeling like they have to look their best all the time. In the last few years I've noticed guys walking round town looking like the models from Men's Health magazine, all ripped & six packs. For someone like me who doesn't look like that, it can be disconcerting. But do they look like that for their own benefit, or do they feel insecure about how others percieve them?


If I see blokes that look 'fit' - then fair do's, good luck to them.

If I see blokes for whom their physical appearance is clearly a big issue and who bear the signs of excessive gym work or even God forbid the removal of all body hair ( I mean, please, get real!) then I tend to think 'tosser'.


I'm quite happy with the way I am most of the time. Could do with losing a bit of weight around the middle, but hey, I don't care that much.

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I'm a curvy woman, not fat but I have tits and ass and a bit of wobble, I wish I was flatter, or neater as my mother calls it, just to feel less like a porn star in certain clothes. Skinny women tend to get away with wearing certain dresses without looking like they belong on page 3 us curvier girls find we have to cover up to ensure we don't, often (in my case) looking quite matronly.


You've pulled.

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They are...& it's not just women that fall into the trap of feeling like they have to look their best all the time. In the last few years I've noticed guys walking round town looking like the models from Men's Health magazine, all ripped & six packs. For someone like me who doesn't look like that, it can be disconcerting. But do they look like that for their own benefit, or do they feel insecure about how others percieve them?


I think a bit of both.

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