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Are Fat Women Deeply Sad Inside?

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now you are just being silly.it is obvious you posted this thread to get argumentative response from women ....more fool i for not at first realising this.


Bingo. I hate to bandy the term troll around since it's so tired and overused. But TROLL. *sigh*

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What is it with you? Didn't your mama teach you not to stare?




Big girl leading ladies? A favorite of mine,




Camryn Manheim

Rosanne Barr ( :D)

Queen Letifa

Melissa McCarthy

Ashley Fink

Kathy Najimy

Conchatta Ferrell


to name a few

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But we all do, don't we? You must have a gawp too.


For goodness sake. NO. I might glance, but that's it.


Sorry, but your attitude bothers me. It bothers me that women allow themselves to be controlled like this. It also bugs that people miss out on life because they're worried about what others will think of them if they go to the beach or pool.


I've never been (much) overweight and I suppose I look pretty good for a woman my age who's had two kids. I exercise and watch my diet more because I'm worried about my health. But there have been times such as after the births of my children, when instead of fully enjoying motherhood and my baby, I was stressing about getting back into my prepregnancy clothing ASAP. If I had it to do over again, I'd have that second helping of dessert and worry less.


Big people are not suffering from some mysterious lack of willpower. Telling someone with food issues to "just stop eating' is like telling an alcoholic to just stop drinking or a drug addict to just stop using.


I think if you had even a tiny inkling of how some people torture themselves and feel bad about themselves all because they're the wrong size, you wouldn't start ridiculous threads like this.

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