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Are Fat Women Deeply Sad Inside?

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For goodness sake. NO. I might glance, but that's it.


Sorry, but your attitude bothers me. It bothers me that women allow themselves to be controlled like this. It also bugs that people miss out on life because they're worried about what others will think of them if they go to the beach or pool.


I've never been (much) overweight and I suppose I look pretty good for a woman my age who's had two kids. I exercise and watch my diet more because I'm worried about my health. But there have been times such as after the births of my children, when instead of fully enjoying motherhood and my baby, I was stressing about getting back into my prepregnancy clothing ASAP. If I had it to do over again, I'd have that second helping of dessert and worry less.


Big people are not suffering from some mysterious lack of willpower. Telling someone with food issues to "just stop eating' is like telling an alcoholic to just stop drinking or a drug addict to just stop using.


I think if you had even a tiny inkling of how some people torture themselves and feel bad about themselves all because they're the wrong size, you wouldn't start ridiculous threads like this.


I gawp at beautiful people - is that any different really?

Gawping at someone because of how they look is the same no matter what the gawpee looks like.


BTW - I know a LOT of fat people with huge amounts of will power.

It is the 'won't power' they are lacking :hihi:

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For goodness sake. NO. I might glance, but that's it.


Sorry, but your attitude bothers me. It bothers me that women allow themselves to be controlled like this. It also bugs that people miss out on life because they're worried about what others will think of them if they go to the beach or pool.


I've never been (much) overweight and I suppose I look pretty good for a woman my age who's had two kids. I exercise and watch my diet more because I'm worried about my health. But there have been times such as after the births of my children, when instead of fully enjoying motherhood and my baby, I was stressing about getting back into my prepregnancy clothing ASAP. If I had it to do over again, I'd have that second helping of dessert and worry less.


Big people are not suffering from some mysterious lack of willpower. Telling someone with food issues to "just stop eating' is like telling an alcoholic to just stop drinking or a drug addict to just stop using.


I think if you had even a tiny inkling of how some people torture themselves and feel bad about themselves all because they're the wrong size, you wouldn't start ridiculous threads like this.


Thank you for that. But 'ridiculous threads like this' ? This thread already has numerous views and posters. How ridiculous is that? I asked a serious question.

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Kathy Bates? That's my point, that was some art film on the link. She has to play 'quirky' roles. She would never lead a mainstream 'bums on seats' type deal.


True, Kathy Bates isn't classically beautiful, even when she was younger. But isn't Hollywood a better place because some producer cast her in leading lady roles on the strength of her talent? You can't deny she's hecka talented.


Early in her career, she had a bit part as Gary Busey's wife in Straight Time. And she was thin as a rail. ;)


*Trivia* In the opening scene, Dustin Hoffman is seen being released from prison. This was filmed at Folsom State Prison.

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Thank you for that. But 'ridiculous threads like this' ? This thread already has numerous views and posters. How ridiculous is that? I asked a serious question.


I stand corrected. I find your attitude towards big girls/people ridiculous. You can't help staring at them? Really?

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I am size 16/18 and, as the Mika song suggests have curves in all the right places and a belly Reuben would have given his eye teeth to get on canvas. I also own 6 dogs, train others dogs (and mine) 3 nights a week, do a college course, work full time, judge at dog shows and generally run round and oft times meet myself coming back. As I am 5'4 and that size (have no clue as to my weight and could genuinely care less) the consultant said I was morbidly obese and needed to lose at least 5 stone in order to "fit" the bmi index in a way he found acceptable. I asked if he were interested in taking into account my exercise levels and he replied with a dismissive no. At which point I called him a pillock. To anyone out there who thinks I should not wear certain items as "they make me look fat" - they don't, I am fat! If my weight ever becomes an issue to me or I can no longer run round as much as I do and the wellbeing of my dogs begins to suffer, THEN I will do something about it, until then, anyone who has an opinion about my weight should keep it to themselves, fat, woman and happy of old Rotherham town

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I am size 16/18 and, as the Mika song suggests have curves in all the right places and a belly Reuben would have given his eye teeth to get on canvas. I also own 6 dogs, train others dogs (and mine) 3 nights a week, do a college course, work full time, judge at dog shows and generally run round and oft times meet myself coming back. As I am 5'4 and that size (have no clue as to my weight and could genuinely care less) the consultant said I was morbidly obese and needed to lose at least 5 stone in order to "fit" the bmi index in a way he found acceptable. I asked if he were interested in taking into account my exercise levels and he replied with a dismissive no. At which point I called him a pillock. To anyone out there who thinks I should not wear certain items as "they make me look fat" - they don't, I am fat! If my weight ever becomes an issue to me or I can no longer run round as much as I do and the wellbeing of my dogs begins to suffer, THEN I will do something about it, until then, anyone who has an opinion about my weight should keep it to themselves, fat, woman and happy of old Rotherham town


Feisty bit 'o stuff aint ya :D

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I am size 16/18 and, as the Mika song suggests have curves in all the right places and a belly Reuben would have given his eye teeth to get on canvas. I also own 6 dogs, train others dogs (and mine) 3 nights a week, do a college course, work full time, judge at dog shows and generally run round and oft times meet myself coming back. As I am 5'4 and that size (have no clue as to my weight and could genuinely care less) the consultant said I was morbidly obese and needed to lose at least 5 stone in order to "fit" the bmi index in a way he found acceptable. I asked if he were interested in taking into account my exercise levels and he replied with a dismissive no. At which point I called him a pillock. To anyone out there who thinks I should not wear certain items as "they make me look fat" - they don't, I am fat! If my weight ever becomes an issue to me or I can no longer run round as much as I do and the wellbeing of my dogs begins to suffer, THEN I will do something about it, until then, anyone who has an opinion about my weight should keep it to themselves, fat, woman and happy of old Rotherham town


Like most 'big boned' people you are clearly in denial.

Telling a health proffesional hes a pillock is a one way ticket to bad health.

On another note i find it hard to believe you do all that exercise if you are as big as you say.

Size 18 and only 5'4".

All i can say is :wow:

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