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Do you think Black History Month is a tad racist?

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I hear you, BF. You (and I, and the other old farts) have time [and perhaps the inclination] to study history, but which is more important?


Is it better to know the wrongs and tribulations which your particular group has suffered (and I remind you of the history of Northern Ireland during the period since 1968) or is it better to know how to get on with the guy next door?


'Black History Month' (and the study thereof) is not academic exercise reserved for persons with exalted IQ levels. It's there for those with an IQ of about 80 [or less] too and the non-academics are, I suggest, more likely to misinterpret it than are the intelligentsia.


As Alexander Pope said:

A little learning is a dangerous thing;

drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring:

there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,

and drinking largely sobers us again.


So tell me all about African Universities, Hospitals and learned scripts.

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I hear you, BF. You (and I, and the other old farts) have time [and perhaps the inclination] to study history, but which is more important?


Is it better to know the wrongs and tribulations which your particular group has suffered (and I remind you of the history of Northern Ireland during the period since 1968) or is it better to know how to get on with the guy next door?


'Black History Month' (and the study thereof) is not academic exercise reserved for persons with exalted IQ levels. It's there for those with an IQ of about 80 [or less] too and the non-academics are, I suggest, more likely to misinterpret it than are the intelligentsia.


As Alexander Pope said:

A little learning is a dangerous thing;

drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring:

there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,

and drinking largely sobers us again.


So tell me all about African Universities, Hospitals and learned scripts.


I don't really want to get into a situation where I'm championing black contributions to the world as I don't believe that's the role of history, but we learn all the time, for example I only discovered recently that the celebrated writer Alexandre Dumas was black, it may not be important and it wasn't apparent from his writings, but as Suffy said earlier positive role models help to raise people's aspirations-the 'gangsta yoot' you referred to in your post most certainly don't.

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I don't really want to get into a situation where I'm championing black contributions to the world as I don't believe that's the role of history, but we learn all the time, for example I only discovered recently that the celebrated writer Alexandre Dumas was black, it may not be important and it wasn't apparent from his writings, but as Suffy said earlier positive role models help to raise people's aspirations-the 'gangsta yoot' you referred to in your post most certainly don't.


I never knew that about Alexandre Dumas.


So I looked it up on teh Google and more correctly he was part black with one black grandparent (if Wikipedia is to be believed).

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There is no such thing as positive discrimination. Discrimination is discrimination and nothing else. Positivity to one section of the population equals negativity to another.

If that statement isn't nonsense (and it is) go on to explain the detrimental effects Black History Month has on white people?

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I believe in the expression "Attack the post, not the poster".


You'd do well to give that some thought - I note you added a racist accusation above. Well done.

I suspect the poster you refer to, occasionally treats utterly ignorant bigots and trolls with the contempt they deserve. :) Whereas you don't seem to pull them up on anything. Perhaps they write things you agree with but don't wish to become associated with by writing yourself. :suspect:

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