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Do you think Black History Month is a tad racist?

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Just a bit of an aside - it must really mess with Nick Griffin's head for Churchill to have been called Winston. :love:


What's the history of the popularity of the name Winston in Jamaica? I had assumed it was in honour of Winston Churchill, but I don't know if that's true.




Thank god Clementine never caught on

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I think most of the people on this thread who claim to be black are what you now call mixed race,who probably have more white in them than black,so why do they identify with black and not white?:suspect:


A recent US TV show on tracing the ancestry of various people using DNA showed a light skinned ***** women who turned out to be 75% white (she looked shocked) and a white looking woman who claimed to be an American “Indian” (Native American) refused to take the DNA test probably because it would reveal how little Indian, if any, she was.


Many dual/multi heritage people are brought up in white households, and they may well identify culturally with their white family. However, because of their skin colour society identifies them as black. It doesn't matter if they have generations of family from the UK, their skin colour identifies them as black.


As I said earlier, does it matter what ethnicity someone is born into, if they identify with a particular cultural group, because of where they live, who their family are etc., then that's their choice. I can't see why people make such an issue out of it. The black woman you refer to was probably shocked because she has never been looked at as anything but black or 'mixed race'.


Today, I've been with a group of people of different ages, ethnicities, skin colour, disability/ability, faith and gender - and rather than focus on our differences, we discussed the similarities and issues that affect us all. All good stuff.

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I dont see anything wrong having a black history month. Overall they've had a worse deal than any other race throughout history.

Until around 45 years ago the only thing that black actors played in movies were butlers and maids.

They deserve recognition for the many other things they've contributed.


Now they play pimps, drug dealers and prostitutes.

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I too was once ignorant about lots of things but growing up and growing means exchanging that with an inquisitive mind for a enlightening truth that's as big as ones brain can understand and as deep as ones heart can love without exploding. Thats awareness that's growing up and evolving that's living. Sadly, part of that process includes meeting people who don't want to evolve and will never consider it and sometimes accepting that "when you stop banging your head against a wall it stops hurting"/pearls before swine n all that. Jesus loves you all anyway regardless of your incapacity to experience fully what its like to be human. You know who you are. God bless x

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I too was once ignorant about lots of things but growing up and growing means exchanging that with an inquisitive mind for a enlightening truth that's as big as ones brain can understand and as deep as ones heart can love without exploding. Thats awareness that's growing up and evolving that's living. Sadly, part of that process includes meeting people who don't want to evolve and will never consider it and sometimes accepting that "when you stop banging your head against a wall it stops hurting"/pearls before swine n all that. Jesus loves you all anyway regardless of your incapacity to experience fully what its like to be human. You know who you are. God bless x


are you a refugee from the hari krishna's?

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The only place I've ever heard of Black History Month is on Sheffield Forum. It doesn't offend me, and events focussing on other cultures wouldn't offend me either.
Black History month was first created in the US. I knew very little about their history which occured before slavery. their history since that time is very interesting and worth recording. Their influence on modern music is immense from WC Handy, Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington to Miles Davis, Gillespie, Billie Holliday, and on. Eventually integrated in the Military, they have included people like Colin Powell.
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