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Do you think Black History Month is a tad racist?

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I dont see anything wrong having a black history month. Overall they've had a worse deal than any other race throughout history.

Until around 45 years ago the only thing that black actors played in movies were butlers and maids...


That's an extremely narrow view of history.


If your whole viewpoint is based around "movies", or even the last 500 years, then you have a skewed perspective of "history".


PS. I mention 500 years for a reason!

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That's an extremely narrow view of history.


If your whole viewpoint is based around "movies", or even the last 500 years, then you have a skewed perspective of "history".


PS. I mention 500 years for a reason!



What about 500 years?

Captured by Arab slave traders, sold to white slave traders, loaded on boats, shipped to the colonies, picking cotton and tobacco, denied emancipation in the Declaration of Independence in 1776, denied freedom until 1865. Denied the vote in the southern states until as late as the 1960s, segregated acording to the law in the southern states until the 1960s, often denied integration in northern society also, segregated militarily until around 1947.

Black soldiers in WW2 could not eat in white run restaurants in the south but German POWs who were brought to the States to work on farms could do so.

There were instances where black soldiers had to move to the back of the trains to make places for German and Italian POWs when that particular train was crossing an officially segregated southern state.

I could go on with the rant.


But there in a few words is a generalization of 500 years of the black experience.


Incidentally I'm white but I get a bit tired of people who would begrudge one month a year to recognizing the positive contributions that black Americans have made down thru history. They deserve it.

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...But there in a few words is a generalization of 500 years of the black experience...


Thanks for proving my point, what you just described is all that the vast majority of people mention, and as I said, it's a very narrow view.


So we have a whole month every year, dedicated to "black" history, and people focus on the same old stuff.

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Yes, if that was all people went on about, but recent programmes, even on mainstream TV show a lot more.


I think Black History Month has a pretty broad scope actually - and certainly covers far more than the 'typical' black history that most people know - i.e. slavery, the deep south, lynchings, segregated public transport, Dr King and so on.

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I think Black History Month has a pretty broad scope actually - and certainly covers far more than the 'typical' black history that most people know - i.e. slavery, the deep south, lynchings, segregated public transport, Dr King and so on.


I agree, I'm in favour of anything that opens up the wider history to all of us. And if Black History month offers some role models to kids from ethnic backgrounds, shouldn't we be supporting it? Minority groups have traditionally had a hard time, if we all tried to embrace each other's similarities instead of resenting the differences, there would be a lot less fear and misunderstanding.


I've been watching the programme 'Mixed Britannia' on the BBC, fascinating stuff. I've been awed by the courage of British women generations ago who were ostracised for daring to marry men from different ethnic backgrounds and having children with them.

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