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Do you think Black History Month is a tad racist?

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I remember when I was the equivalent of Y5 (a few moons ago), and discussions of ethnic history of any kind were bizarrely confined to divinity lessons-maybe it was only religious education teachers who could muster the appropriate missionary zeal for it.


It wasn't comprehensive study, more a paternalistic account of how whites had influenced blacks in Africa, which of course they have, but that was only a very small part of the black history story as I discovered subsequently.


Likewise. My knowledge is self-taught and from watching Roots, Gone with the Wind etc.:hihi: seriously though, it was a lamentable state of affairs when we was at school, innit bro?!;)

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Who is trying to make 'old whity' suffer? If you're suffering from some collective sense of guilt then you should get over it, unless of course you share the views of white supremacists and the oppressors of blacks? By the extension of that argument, should Germans never learn about WWI and II because it'll make 'old Hun suffer' for things that happened years and years before they were born? I think that Native American history ought to be scrapped from the American curriculum too in that case.:roll: Let's just consign the whole of history to the bin.


Er, yes I would hope that I am obviously many things and not some one dimensional person. One person's insults is another person's truth. The fact that you see black history as irrelevant speaks volumes.


My bold.

Im not.


Er, yes I would hope that I am obviously many things and not some one dimensional person. One person's insults is another person's truth. The fact that you see black history as irrelevant speaks volumes.


Sorry to burst your bubble but your are so wrong its not even funny.

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Do you not agree that Floppy's post was one profoundly rooted in ignorance?
I believe in the expression "Attack the post, not the poster".


You'd do well to give that some thought - I note you added a racist accusation above. Well done.

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My bold.

Im not.




Sorry to burst your bubble but your are so wrong its not even funny.


So why did you say this then?:


All past tense.

None of it relevant to today. If you and some black people dropped the victim stick for 5 minutes youd see that.

And before anyone says anything else about me being racist, ignorant or whatever then dont.


Did that 'none' not refer to the treatment of blacks which forms a fundamental part of black history, that I referred to in my post which you quoted?

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Still waiting for the link to all those achievments made by our black brothers and sisters.:rolleyes:


What link? I didn't claim there was one, nor was I seeking to selectively celebrate those achievements whatever they might be. The study of history is comprehensive and covers the past, warts n all.

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What link? I didn't claim there was one, nor was I seeking to selectively celebrate those achievements whatever they might be. The study of history is comprehensive and covers the past, warts n all.


I asked for them. Infact i gave you a bit of time to trawl the internet to find something to back up your argument.

You didnt.

Hmmm, i wonder what i could read into that.

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I dont think there should be any kind of discimination be it negative of positive. Surely it re enforces that race is an issue when it shoudlnt' be


There is no such thing as positive discrimination. Discrimination is discrimination and nothing else. Positivity to one section of the population equals negativity to another.

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So why did you say this then?:




Did that 'none' not refer to the treatment of blacks which forms a fundamental part of black history, that I referred to in my post which you quoted?


History isnt relevant to today.

Its in the past.


Done with.

Get over it.

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