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Anti-virus's firewalls ect.

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Anti-Virus free download or do we choose an anti-virus that we have to pay annual for and they are not cheap, Norton anti-virus like to con people they make you download the programme for free then even if you have a good anti-virus the free one that you have downloaded such as Norton will do a free scan then it also tell you that you have some trojen virus ect. your free one such as Avast won't find anything (usually) The Norton one will than say if you want to get rid of these virus's ect. then you will have to pay just £39.99 or around that price (just for a year). I know a person who is a computer whizz kid said that the anti-virus's that you pay for are a rip off (he's had the internet for about 13 year and never had any problems and has never paid for an anti-virus!) Places like PC World try to force you to buy an anti-virus (because it's commision for them) but is it actually worth it? is also a firewall enough? latley i've seen anti-intusion programmes as well but are these similar to the windows defender programme and the anti-spy programmes such as Spybot search and destroy?

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I've done the whole paid-for route before, including Norton and tbh the free ones have done exactly the same job.


I'm currently running Microsoft Security Essentials and it's doing it's job fine. I hardly notice it's there in terms of system resources and it only bugs me every other week if I haven't done a scan, of which a quick scan solves that.


I've just set it all to auto for the updates and I leave it alone.

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wrong section to start with but search the compy section.


It has been discussed a million times and nobody agrees which is best as someone has always had a problem with every piece of AV going!


The free ones are just as good, sometimes better than the paid ones. Go with what works best with your computer.



yes I have my grumpy head on today... :hihi:

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Microsoft SEcurity Essentials (MSE) offers very good protection

it uses the same search engine and database as as Microsoft

Forfront Security as used in corporate environments.


MSE is free, its as good as ( not better than )

other free / subscription antivirus software (AVS)


AVS is only half of it, what is also required is good practise

by the user If you want to visit salacious, crack, hack,

file-sharing sites then you should also expect to get

infested with malware.


The AVS applicaiton does not exist that protects you from all

malware, but the user can do alot to help themselves.


Ensure you operting system is up-to-date

Ensure your AVS is up-to-date

Ensure third party software is up-to-date


Run regular malware scans: Malwarebytes is good for this

Delete temp and cached files: CCleaner is good for this


Backup your important data

If you are using Windows-7, learn how to create a system image

(you will have to invest in an extrnal hard drive)


AVoid installing browser toolbars

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