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Shooting Lisence With Mental Health Problems.


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Dave, Best thing to do is talk to the firearms licensing experts at BASC (British Association for Shooting and Conservation). They are really on the ball. If you are not a member, you should be. Personally I dont think I would go for a triple whammy on the licenses. Start with shotgun then build once trust established with local FLO. BASC Firearms are on 01244 573010. Incidentally, cracking article about how the anti-shooting stance of the National Trust is growing (in the November issue of Sporting Gun Magazine which as just come out) The NTs latest move is to shut down a half-century old shoot at Polesdon Lacey in Surrey. Anyone interested in shooting needs to jump up and down and write to the Trust about their anti-shooting policy - as the article says, waht is happening on several shoots on NT land is the thin end of a thick wedge. I'm actually a NT member but I'm appalled at what they are doing in Surrey and other parts of the country.:suspect:

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  • 4 months later...
And the answer iiiiis.....




Recieved my lisence through this morning; I didn't lie about my condition or understate it in any way. Thankyou to SYP for taking an unbiased perspective.


In the case the requests I made in my previous post still stand.

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