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LABOUR Hypocrites


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So it's OK for them to meddle in some markets (see your other post) but not in others?


Can't have it both ways dear chap....


No, quite the opposite and you miss the point completely. I think they should manage markets with appropriate legislation. The challenge is how to sell it to a right-wing dominated press who would probably have us believe every intervention was big brother government.

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You do what Labour always do and lie of course....


Surely thirteen years of spin doctors taught you that?


Missing the point again. I'm explaining why it probably won't work. And I don't think any amount of spin would help. It wouldn't matter how virtuous the intervention, if it was against the interests of the banks/elites/other leaches then their media would mobilise against it no matter how good the intervention would be for the rest of us.


Like I said nice idea but....

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...perhaps such an intervention wouldn't be a good idea. Perhaps that's why people and the media are against it.


In case you hadn't noticed, the shiny veneer on Gordos "no more boom and bust" has rusted and peeled off, because perforce it was cobblers and Labour have about as much credibility in matters of the economy as the Save the Spotted Owl society.

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...perhaps such an intervention wouldn't be a good idea. Perhaps that's why people and the media are against it.


In case you hadn't noticed, the shiny veneer on Gordos "no more boom and bust" has rusted and peeled off, because perforce it was cobblers and Labour have about as much credibility in matters of the economy as the Save the Spotted Owl society.


It's possible the opposition might be justified but again you are missing the point. No amount of spin would counter what I would expect to be a blanket opposition to any intervention. People like yourself would no doubt spring into action after just one Daily mail headline


Like I said nice idea but....

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...perhaps such an intervention wouldn't be a good idea. Perhaps that's why people and the media are against it.


In case you hadn't noticed, the shiny veneer on Gordos "no more boom and bust" has rusted and peeled off, because perforce it was cobblers and Labour have about as much credibility in matters of the economy as the Save the Spotted Owl society.


Remind me again about the Tory pedigree in managing the economy.


You can start from the dog days of Nigel Lawson if you like.


Or earlier if you fancy doing a proper Brown/Lawson comparison.


Truth is, neither of them manage the economy in our interests.

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You mean coming in and having to fix the disaster of Labour every time?


You mean understanding how the markets work and putting money aside for the rainy days?


You mean rolling back the state and paying down the debt instead of inflating it to buy votes and leaving notes for successors "Sorry but there is no money left"

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You mean coming in and having to fix the disaster of Labour every time?


You mean understanding how the markets work and putting money aside for the rainy days?


You mean rolling back the state and paying down the debt instead of inflating it to buy votes and leaving notes for successors "Sorry but there is no money left"


No. I meant allowing many years of power going to their heads. I meant being totally in thrall to the city of London and the money men. I meant inflation out of control. I meant interest rates of 15%. Above all, I meant the big bang and the delayed problems that it has caused for all of us.


The 1980s were as badly mismanaged as the noughties. Things were just not as interlinked then.

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Remind me again about the Tory pedigree in managing the economy.


You can start from the dog days of Nigel Lawson if you like.


Or earlier if you fancy doing a proper Brown/Lawson comparison.


Truth is, neither of them manage the economy in our interests.


Indeed. I think Labour are right about needing to manage markets. It's just they've made such a hash of doing so that they would struggle to get any buy in whatsoever from the media no matter how justified any managed intervention.


As for the Conservatives, they have a track record of trumpeting free markets while simultaneously distorting (i.e. managing/intervening in) markets in favour of their core support.


I'm interested in what Miliband is trying to do - he's making the point that both main parties recognise the need for interventions. He just hasn't got a hope of selling it, no matter how imaginative his new ways of describing that need are.

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You mean coming in and having to fix the disaster of Labour every time?


You mean understanding how the markets work and putting money aside for the rainy days?


You mean rolling back the state and paying down the debt instead of inflating it to buy votes and leaving notes for successors "Sorry but there is no money left"


To be fair the Conservatives were pretty much a disaster when they were in.


If we're honest no party has managed the economy effectively since the mid-1970s

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