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Nazi killing: God bless Mossad

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Only Israel's feared intelligence agency Mossad, Hebrew for 'revenge', had the b*lls to hunt down and kill/capture the cowardly fleeing nazi criminals after WWII, hiding like rats in South America mostly.


Mossad has only ever officially killed one fleeing nazi, Herbert Cukurs 'Butcher of Riga', in 1965, and famously captured Adolf Eichmann and flew him to Isreal, but have alledgedly killed many more.


Even during Israeli state founder David Ben Gurion's passive non-revenge attitude from 1947-63, the Israelis weren't idle and Mossad was swelled by the ranks of hardened commandos and agents after WWII, and acquired a fearsome reputation for ferocity. These included the tough and experienced units of die-hard zionists who still plotted to kill nazi war criminals with or without their leader's blessing.

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as mentioned Mossad is not Hebrew for revenge, also the agency was set up prior to WW2. Your post makes it sound as if it is some sort of specialist Nazi hunting unit. Mossad's original brief was to assist Jews to migrate to Palestine, in the 1930s, often clandistinely because of severe restrictions placed on Jewish immigration by the British.

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Is this the same cowardly Mossad that forged British, Irish, and New Zealand passports ? :cool:


Come now CXC, you may not like mossad but they are anything but cowards. Of all the western intelligence agencies they probably go the deepest in terms of cover and are expected to sacrifice their lives (not just getting killed sacrifice but have not much of a life ourside the job, forego real relationships etc) for their job.


As for the passports issue - do you honestly think MI6 don't have umpteen false passports from al sorts of nations for every officer?

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How come they missed all those other Nazis, the ones co-opted (or re-employed if you prefer) by the allies after the war ended? Seems like a bit of an oversight to me.


And wasn't it the Simon Wiesenthal organisation that did a lot of the hunting? Mossad did the actual kidnappings, executions etc.

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