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2p or not 2p? Is your loose change worth more in scrap?

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You are right of course AB, but I feely duty bound to advise those less fortunate than myself.


On the subject of 2p's, I went to the petrol station to fill up this morning and bought a few goods while I was there. I asked the young chick behind the counter for a plastic bag to carry my purchases.


YC (young chick): "2p for a bag luv, is that R8?"


MOS (me): "2p for a plastic bag!!! No it is not 'R8', don't you think you make enough profit from your overpriced garbage!?"


YC: "Keep your wig on luv I just work here, besides you don't look short of a few quid with a car like that."


MOS: "Firstly I'll have you know that this is not just a wig but a work of Art created by Pierre Boufant of Paris, Secondly if I were to give you a pre-1992 2 pence piece for your plastic bag, you would have infact charged me 5p!. I WILL NOT be paying for a bag."


With that I pulled the bottom of my jumper out in front of me with both hands creating a handy pouch. I then instructed the chick to load up my pouch with my goods and open the door of the shop and my car for me before writing her telephone number on my exposed torso.


I will not be using that service station again.:mad:


Daylight robbery if you ask me ... these petroleum vending outlets should be named and shamed! Have you noticed their underhand tactics ... they drop the price of petrol by a couple of pence per litre, thus instilling a sense of false security in potential petroleum purchasing purveyers (PPPP).


Once the petroleum purchaser has fallen into their cunning trap and topped up (in your scenario, probably the Bentley), they naturally feel a need to then buy a packet of Dorito's and the Financial Times (maybe a Kit-Kat).

All of this naturally requires to be stored in some kind of plastic bag storage system (PBSS) This is of course where the conniving petrol retailer makes back his/her money on the discounted petroleum! They drop the price of petroleum, only to hike up the price of the polyvinyl packaging for in store goods (or bads)


Good for you for refusing this baggage system and utilising your Hermes angora jumper as a money saving substitute! With more people like your goodself we can wipe petrol stations off the map once and for all ... that'll teach 'em! :D

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Daylight robbery if you ask me ... these petroleum vending outlets should be named and shamed! Have you noticed their underhand tactics ... they drop the price of petrol by a couple of pence per litre, thus instilling a sense of false security in potential petroleum purchasing purveyers (PPPP).


Once the petroleum purchaser has fallen into their cunning trap and topped up (in your scenario, probably the Bentley), they naturally feel a need to then buy a packet of Dorito's and the Financial Times (maybe a Kit-Kat).

All of this naturally requires to be stored in some kind of plastic bag storage system (PBSS) This is of course where the conniving petrol retailer makes back his/her money on the discounted petroleum! They drop the price of petroleum, only to hike up the price of the polyvinyl packaging for in store goods (or bads)


Good for you for refusing this baggage system and utilising your Hermes angora jumper as a money saving substitute! With more people like your goodself we can wipe petrol stations off the map once and for all ... that'll teach 'em! :D


You can have a MOS SILVER AWARD for that and any spare 2p's can be added to the send Denlin to Canada fund - I need to get there by November:hihi::hihi::love::help:

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Daylight robbery if you ask me ... these petroleum vending outlets should be named and shamed! Have you noticed their underhand tactics ... they drop the price of petrol by a couple of pence per litre, thus instilling a sense of false security in potential petroleum purchasing purveyers (PPPP).


Once the petroleum purchaser has fallen into their cunning trap and topped up (in your scenario, probably the Bentley), they naturally feel a need to then buy a packet of Dorito's and the Financial Times (maybe a Kit-Kat).

All of this naturally requires to be stored in some kind of plastic bag storage system (PBSS) This is of course where the conniving petrol retailer makes back his/her money on the discounted petroleum! They drop the price of petroleum, only to hike up the price of the polyvinyl packaging for in store goods (or bads)


Good for you for refusing this baggage system and utilising your Hermes angora jumper as a money saving substitute! With more people like your goodself we can wipe petrol stations off the map once and for all ... that'll teach 'em! :D


I'm with you all the way AB and refuse to be a PPPP any longer and be wangled out of my 2p's for a lousy PBSS. I am currently looking into brewing my own fuel with the possibility of producing PBSS's as a by product. :)

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:hihi::hihi::hihi: hope those 2p's aren't from my collection jar, your eminence, Joto is depressed now not quite sure if thats because I might not get off or the fact I might turn up on her doorstep:hihi::hihi::hihi:


Rest assured denlin, those coins are definately not from your collection jar.:hihi:;)

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I'm with you all the way AB and refuse to be a PPPP any longer and be wangled out of my 2p's for a lousy PBSS. I am currently looking into brewing my own fuel with the possibility of producing PBSS's as a by product. :)


Coincidence or what? ... I'm making home brewed petrol too! I've cut down all the trees in my garden and buried them (along with the lawn, topsoil and all the PPPP's I can find) into the mud in my back yard. Having sprinkled some brewers yeast on it to activate the brewing process, I confidently predict a tank full of unleaded within the next million years!

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Coincidence or what? ... I'm making home brewed petrol too! I've cut down all the trees in my garden and buried them (along with the lawn, topsoil and all the PPPP's I can find) into the mud in my back yard. Having sprinkled some brewers yeast on it to activate the brewing process, I confidently predict a tank full of unleaded within the next million years!


That is genuinely spooky!, a very similar set up to mine, though mine is spread over around 42 acres.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The 5p and 10p would go first, then the 20p, the the 50p.


We need the currency to devalue going on for 50% for the 5p and 10p to be scrapped, and to devalue another 50-60% for the 20p to be scrapped. And then another 60% or so for the 50p to be scrapped.

I did not mean that they were talking of doing away with the actual currancy but that they were changing the coinage, much like they sid when making the 5 and 10p's smaller.


Im sure we will still have them in some form or other ?

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I did not mean that they were talking of doing away with the actual currancy but that they were changing the coinage, much like they sid when making the 5 and 10p's smaller.


Im sure we will still have them in some form or other ?


We'll always revert to metal coinage after the fall of paper, it's worth holding onto metal at the minute, recycling bins of empty cans need not council tax and Veolia to recycle themselves for example, a flatbed truck on bin day soon pays for itself you see.


The currency is ever changing, but metal is a form of money.


A 2p copper coin shall rise in value forever. A 2p steel coin will not, as the face value exceeds the intrinsic value.


Paper may be a currency, but metal can be both a currency and money ;)

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