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How many businesses will go bust tomorrow?

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They've been saying high street spending's down for a long time. But last weekend I went shopping in Bromley (my local town) and it was dead - seriously, there was hardly anyone about. This is the first time I've really noticed it.


Has anyone in Sheffield noticed a similar downturn?


My friend who works in the local Sainsbury says he's noticed, in the last month or so, lots more people buying the 'basics' range, more people buying the 'yellow sticker' stuff and, worryingly, more cards being declined at the till.



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Tomorrow the rent is due. Sales are down.


How many businesses will go bust?


Perhaps the rent is too high...


.....perhaps the business is mismanaged...... perhaps the products are priced too high..... perhaps the customers have found somewhere with better products or service..... perhaps the owners have not invested enough time or effort into the business..... .....perhaps the business has not kept up with the times....... perhaps the business' location has become inappropriate....... perhaps more competition has moved into the area.......


There are dozens of reasons why a business MIGHT fail. Do you have any other single thing in your head other than property prices all the time.

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I think the point is, although there are dozens of reasons why a business might fail, getting evicted from their premises due to being unable to pay the rent is likely to be the straw that breaks the camel's back in many cases.

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When a business goes under, not good.


However, we remain factual and have to state that like anyhting in life, businesses have cycyles. Over 30 year periods, some will become great and others will go under = FACT


Re you question how many co's will go under tomorrow, simple:


England = 269

Scotland = 123

Wales = 43

NI - 6

Cornwall - 3

France - 69

Germany 156

Finland - ZERO

Mexico - 5647


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