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Sick pay for full time staff -a nasty surprise..

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Does anyone have any experiences of this? It’s a shocking sign of the times if you ask me.


It's been part of every contract I've ever signed.


That said, I've never worked for any company that actually enforced it. On the rare times when I've been forced to have more than the odd day off, I've always been fully paid.


However, it's entirely at the companies descretion.

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I think the aim is to stop permanent staff from abusing sick pay.


Six months off for stress is absolutely stupid - some people don't have to deal with real problems.


I reckon if this was to come in, then long term sickness with stress would vanish overnight. When the bills need paying and your wages have stopped, then you suddenly find out the real meaning of stress.


Ironically, getting back to work and paying the bills (dealing with this stress) takes priority over the silly stress that people often have many months off work for.


(why does stress only appear to affect permanent, full time staff who work for the council? :suspect:)

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I think the aim is to stop permanent staff from abusing sick pay.


Six months off for stress is absolutely stupid - some people don't have to deal with real problems.


I reckon if this was to come in, then long term sickness with stress would vanish overnight. When the bills need paying and your wages have stopped, then you suddenly find out the real meaning of stress.


Ironically, getting back to work and paying the bills (dealing with this stress) takes priority over the silly stress that people often have many months off work for.


(why does stress only appear to affect permanent, full time staff who work for the council? :suspect:)


'Stress' is generally used as the more acceptable term to describe depression - a truely debilitating illness... I think that you are either being a little silly with your comments, or you really have no clue about mental health and the volume of people who suffer from problems like this, a great many of them can still get up and carry on, and a great many more just can't...

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As mentioned previously, this is the first time I have ever experienced it, so was genuinely unaware. I imagine if you stopped 100 people in the street and aksed them to explain what stat sick pay is a good percentage wouldn't give a correct answer. Mind you, the same could be said if asked who is the leader of the Liberal Democrats.


Wasn't it Churchill who said you should never be amazed at what the public don't know? There are probably people who couldn't name one book from the Bible, or any of Shakepeares works... How about Stat holidays? Don't you think that those who have worked would know about those? There are bound to be some, but I bet most will - no money on that bet though! :hihi:

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'Stress' is generally used as the more acceptable term to describe depression - a truely debilitating illness... I think that you are either being a little silly with your comments, or you really have no clue about mental health and the volume of people who suffer from problems like this, a great many of them can still get up and carry on, and a great many more just can't...




HOw many....


Temp staff

Staff on no contracts

The self employed

People paid hourly (only)

People working in private industry


....need 6 months off work to deal with stress?

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Same thing happened to me I was told I would get paid for being off sick when started my current job, I was off ill for a couple of days as had food poisoning, 1st time off in 5 years and was docked two days pay. When I asked why they said it was a change in the payment of sick pay and nothing I could do about it.


It would have been nice to have been informed of it!!

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'Stress' is generally used as the more acceptable term to describe depression - a truely debilitating illness... I think that you are either being a little silly with your comments, or you really have no clue about mental health and the volume of people who suffer from problems like this, a great many of them can still get up and carry on, and a great many more just can't...




...or alternatively, these people could give up there jobs and allow another person to take that job.


In these difficult times, why should the workshy hog permanent full time jobs?

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...or alternatively, these people could give up there jobs and allow another person to take that job.


In these difficult times, why should the workshy hog permanent full time jobs?


Quite often temps have to be brought in to cover long term sick, one reason why smaller firms may not offer full sick pay.



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For those who are moaning about being docked a couple of days pay and feeling hard done by.


What about people who are desperatly wanting work? (no I'm not unemployed)


Another reason for this 'suprise' (as you call it) is that everything came to a standstill last year when the snows came down, perhaps this has been pushed through to force people to drag themselves into work if we have a bad winter?


Many people took one look at the snow last year, and decided to stay in bed and throw a sickie

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...or alternatively, these people could give up there jobs and allow another person to take that job.


In these difficult times, why should the workshy hog permanent full time jobs?


So if you were ill, you would leave your job to take the pressure off your employer? That is very kind of you, and I hope that anyone who ever employs you appreciates this act of altruisim... If I was ill, I certainly would not leave my job though - worries about health don't need to be compounded with financial worries, and this is why stat sick exists - It's for small employers, as they literally pay nothing for it, it's a government benefit... A mid to large sized business has to work employee sick into their plans...

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