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Speed limit to be raised on motorways?

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Apparently one of the reasons for doing this will be to increase our economic competitiveness by getting people to places faster... until that is they get off the motorway where all the speed limits have been constantly lowered so that you have to crawl everywhere. How is that when speed limits are lowered, nobody pipes up and says that it's harming our economic competitiveness (which I'm convinced it probably is).

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My understanding is that the 80 limit will be enforced, as opposed to the 70 limit which is realistically not enforced on people currently driving at 80.


There would need to be a change in the allocation of resources. If more effort were to be put into speed enforcement, then either there will be less activity somewhere else, or more money will be spent on more traffic police. I'm more inclined to think that enforcement will be similar, so no extra cost.


Regarding cost, a big feature of the proposed change, from a Government's point of view, is that there is no cost on the ground. The only cost is in passing the legislation. They don't need to buy any new signs.

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Wonder how much extra they will make in tax as people use more fuel?


If you get all the idiots who can't drive off the motorways then at 80mph most modern cars will use less fuel!


And if people object to paying tax on fuel maybe walking to the shops to buy fags instead of driving may cut your tax bill!


John X

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There would need to be a change in the allocation of resources. If more effort were to be put into speed enforcement, then either there will be less activity somewhere else, or more money will be spent on more traffic police. I'm more inclined to think that enforcement will be similar, so no extra cost.


If the road lobby's argument is correct that speed cameras are cash cows, then enforcement would pay for itself with money left over.

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If you get all the idiots who can't drive off the motorways then at 80mph most modern cars will use less fuel!


And if people object to paying tax on fuel maybe walking to the shops to buy fags instead of driving may cut your tax bill!


John X


Hmmmm. New advances in aerodynamics meaning that the higher the speed, the less the drag.

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Hmmmm. New advances in aerodynamics meaning that the higher the speed, the less the drag.


ah but physics all changed last week with them speeding neutrinos.


Got to admire Hammond, a nice populist idea to appeal to the masses of hard done by motorists, but at the same time a way to make us use 20% more fuel on our longer journeys. Genius stroke.

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Speed limits, all tish.


The safe driving speed is determined by local conditions, weather, traffic, pedestrians and other factors - not an arbitrary figure scribbled onto a plan by some civil servant.


If speed kills, how come all the Germans don't die on the unrestricted sections of the autobahns?


150 and much more is safe in the right car with the right road conditions.

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at the same time a way to make us use 20% more fuel on our longer journeys. Genius stroke.


Given that this nonsense has been repeated twice on here now, is there any danger of providing some evidence that a 10mph increase in speed requires a 20% increase in fuel consumption?


John X

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