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Speed limit to be raised on motorways?

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Yeah, these need to be the target. Heavy fines for just sitting in the middle lane and not actually over taking.I also really welcome the more 20mph zones however.


My son was born november 2007, he steadily lost weight gradually from then on, constantly bringing his milk back up etc.


Christmas day we took him to childrens hospital;they knew something wasn't quite right with him so kept him in; Its a long story but he stayed in there for a week or two until he could be transfered to the Leeds general infirmary.


Early January he was transfered to LGI, my partner and I of coarse travelled with him in the ambulance. It was there we learned that his condition was more serious than the folks at Sheffield childrens hospital thought, and so he needed an operation ASAP. I returned to Sheffield in the ambulance that brought us to Leeds to arrange childcare for our other child and to bring a bag with stuff for my partner.


It got to 9.30pm, I needed to get back to LGI ASAP, but I'd never driven on a motorway before and I certainly didn't know my way to Leeds, the furthest I'd ever driven is Barnsley! I debated weather to stay at home that night, then go first thing in the morning by train or coach, but I decided to bite the bullet, load the car up and head for Leeds.


I was on the motorway, in the middle lane nearly all the way and didn't give a toss, I was just focused on getting to the LGI and keeping my eyes peeled for the signs for Leeds. I knew I was ******* people off, they were aggressively tailgaiting me, flashing their lights and beeping their horns at me, which is only natural I suppose, but I wonder if they'd behaved like that if they knew my situation.

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Me too, and my fuel consumption never varies more than 5% either way, even at very high speeds.


John X

"Ye canna fight the laws o' physics, cap'n"


. . .or some such that scotty would say to Jim Kirk, but either way, that's correct.


I've had cars with trip computers since the early 80s, and enjoy fiddling. Could quote many examples, here's an old one stuck in my head: 32mpg at 60 28mpg at 70, 20mpg at 95 - one early example, follows the rule pretty closely.

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I've had cars with trip computers since the early 80s, and enjoy fiddling. Could quote many examples, here's an old one stuck in my head: 32mpg at 60 28mpg at 70, 20mpg at 95 - one early example, follows the rule pretty closely.


I suspect you have been driving old, badly-maintained cars to return that kind of variation.


John X

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Speed limits, all tish.


The safe driving speed is determined by local conditions, weather, traffic, pedestrians and other factors - not an arbitrary figure scribbled onto a plan by some civil servant.


If speed kills, how come all the Germans don't die on the unrestricted sections of the autobahns?


150 and much more is safe in the right car with the right road conditions.


Speed doesn't kill, impact speed does. Which is why 45% of the German Autobahn kms accounted for 73% of the motorway deaths. So any suggestion that the Germans seem to get away with unlimited speed and modern car technology is a little uninformed.

Drive at 150 but what are you going to do when the truch makes a move at 56?

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Does this mean the centre lane freaks might up their speed to 65mph


trucks being restricted to 56mph cause people to to do this, move in 50+, over take 65 move in 50+, over take 65 ............. 3rd lane no speed restriction, well till the pretty blue lights come on behind, but in time every overhead will have a speed check on. major problem england built and imported more cars faster than it could make wider roads lol.

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