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Speed limit to be raised on motorways?

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Just read this thread...........

Loads of tosh about dynamics, etc. Nothing to do with the safety aspect, but mostly about fuel consumption.:loopy:


Back on topic....if I'm going to meet the "uenxpected" I'd rather being doing 70 than some silly figures quoted earlier.


At 70 I may survive....at 80, goodbye ......


I'd rather drive 200 miles at 70 (almost three hours) than risk getting there 20minutes early (or not at all)

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I was on the motorway, in the middle lane nearly all the way and didn't give a toss, I was just focused on getting to the LGI and keeping my eyes peeled for the signs for Leeds. I knew I was ******* people off, they were aggressively tailgaiting me, flashing their lights and beeping their horns at me, which is only natural I suppose, but I wonder if they'd behaved like that if they knew my situation.


Sorry to hear about your son, I didn't mean any disrespect. But I guess you was overtaking or they'd be no reason to be in the middle lane, unless I've misunderstood? It's just not safe to go slower than the 1st lane of traffic in an overtaking lane, it'd of been safer to speed at 80mph. Nightmare scenario would be doing 65mph in the middle lane while someone behind coming at you at 85mph so gaining on you at 20mph. The guy in the right lane may be over taking at 90mph (this are all very realistic speeds on the motorway). If the guy behind you had no where to go (ie right because the other guy wasn't overtaking quick enough), he/she would either have to slam on the anchors risking an unprepared driver behind hitting him or hit you. It'd be the equivalent to you reversing into a wall at 20mph. Nevermind the carnage behind.


Ok, unlikely but it only takes one of these people to be caught unaware, to fiddle with the radio etc and what was a moments careless thought turns into a tragedy. We all have personal circumstances that make us risk ours and others lives, I've done too but if you're not in the right frame of mind to drive then look at other transport options would be my advice. Just sayin'.

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I don`t agree with the proposed increased speed limit on motorways at all, for three objective reasons.


1 At higher speeds, even if there are no more accidents (which I doubt) more people will be killed, that`s obvious.


2 With a 70mph speed limit you get loads of arrogant drivers, who think the law doesn`t apply to them, doing 80 plus. It seems obvious to me that if the speed limit was raised many will just go 10mph faster still.


3 The biggest danger is closing speeds. There are many vehicles on the motorways who can only do 50 to 60mph now. Most are trucks and caravans, but some car drivers too. If you raise the overall speed limit the closing speeds (i.e. other vehicles going past you), will be that much higher, which is bound to add to the stress and danger of motorway travel.


I always think it amusing that so many people suffer extreme risk aversion in all areas of their lives, but forget that driving is the single most dangerous activity they indulge in.

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You do know that motorways are the safest roads in the UK?


Chiefly because everything on them is travelling in the same direction, and a head-on collision is highly unlikely.


Most accidents on motorways do result in serious injury or death; there just aren't very many accidents on motorways, compared to other roads.

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Speed limits, all tish.


The safe driving speed is determined by local conditions, weather, traffic, pedestrians and other factors - not an arbitrary figure scribbled onto a plan by some civil servant.


If speed kills, how come all the Germans don't die on the unrestricted sections of the autobahns?


150 and much more is safe in the right car with the right road conditions.


Couldn’t agree more, unfortunately there are too many bad driver and unintelligent people driving on the roads to allow individuals to determine the safe speed for the conditions.

In an ideal world there would be no speed limits and everyone would drive at a speed that was safe for the conditions and time of day. 50mph can be too fast on a motorway at certain times and at other time 100mph is safer than 70mph.

Driving on a clear motorway at 2am at 70mph is boring and boredom can make you feel tired, driving faster will relieve that boredom and get you to your destination faster thereby reducing your risk of a tired related accident.

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Please note you heard it here first.


We demand that the inept gov raises the speed limit this year and make the so-called saving they are claiming right now. WE also deman that night time limits are set at 70mph in normal conditions. We also advocate more speed average cameras to ensure smoother running of traffic in built up areas of the m/way.

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What has to be careful is that people won't assume this applies to dual carriageways too. Imagine regular 80mph on parts of the A1 with those right turns, that closing speeds people mention will cause accidents.


I've a driving licence of 14 years but I also ride a 125cc on a CBT so I can't use that on motorway traffic but I've 3 renewed CBTs which currently equates to 5 years of motorcycle experience, however - I can't do 70mph easily. I can beat most cars off the line from 0-40mph but hitting up past that takes me time but I use a lot of A-roads going to Nottingham on it and because I'm doing 60mph approach from behind me is sudden and a lot of people are caught out. I can't speed up - I would if I could but I try to always give plenty of room to overtake on single carriageways.


It's a cheap political stunt to which I think most in the thread seem to be aiming at and as much as the coalition need some stunts right now, it could end up in a few more deaths which wouldn't be worth it.


I still dunno tho, I'm a stats and figures man; I need to see the evidence before making a full decision if this is good or bad. Right now we know that more fuel will be used (is that a motivation)? We also know that we aren't policed for doing 80mph on the motorway anyway, if they said it was just not to criminalise 1000s of daily motorists then I'll take that. Majority of us know the risks of driving too fast, we sometimes look at the speedo and not realise how fast we was going and then take our foot off the pedal. We also see the fuel gauge go down quicker the faster we go so we take that choice too, just don't complain about fuel costs if you regularly speed above the optimum ratio for your car. Why is the system so broke that it needs fixing? So questions need answering and hopefully they will when it's debated.

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Its nothing more than pandering to Daily Mail readers and Top Gear fans.


Imagine a drive of 30 miles where you could travel at the maximum speed for the entire journey.


At 70mph it will take you 25.7 minutes

At 80mph it will take you 22.5 minutes


So you save just over 3 minutes in total over a 30 miles stretch. In return you are using more fuel and putting yourself at greater risk.

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