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The Euro swindle: Thatcher was right


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Very rarely in political history has any faction or movement been s thoroughly vindicated as the Conservative euro sceptics.


Right about the single currency, right about the social and financial devastation that is about to take place.


Thatcher, Redwood, Hague, Bill Cash cruelly mocked at the time have been proven right.


Blair, Mandelson, Heseltine, Clarke, Kennedy, Danny Alexander. All wrong.



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Why don’t you wake up and smell the stench coming from the banks. All the money from all the so called failed states, goes to the banks as do the bail outs, thus cutting out the middle men, the people.


Thatcher deregulated, and helped start this nightmare, so instead of looking at what you are told is the s**t, why not actually investigate it yourself.


As for politicians, they are in the pockets of the banks, and as the MP's expenses proved, they are bought for chicken feed. Who hold the purse strings governs the country, state etc. We pay the bankers for creating the debt to begin with, or did I miss a trick?


So you like to scream at the messengers, the puppets of the banks.....BRILLIANT!

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Trying to make a workable economic [ political, social ] unit with somewhere so huge and diverse as Europe was always a 99 % non-starter. If the original members had been content to leave it as a free-trade area, on a modest scale, it may have worked.


Now, they 're lumbered with a gigantic Frankenstein mixture of an organisation that is trying to streamline not only its economy but its political, social, legal, cultural and even military systems too. It has become hopelessly complicated and ruinously expensive. The people ' in charge ' don 't look like they could organise a scrap yard........but would cheerfully sell their grandmas for 5 Euros.


The solution ? Dunno ! And such is the size of the problem I don 't think anyone else has a solution either !

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The solution ? Dunno ! And such is the size of the problem I don 't think anyone else has a solution either !


Stop sending cheques until it is fit for purpose. It's failed to have it's accounts signed off for about 15 years..starve it of money and it will either wither and die or get sensible and start being of use.

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Very rarely in political history has any faction or movement been s thoroughly vindicated as the Conservative euro sceptics.


Right about the single currency, right about the social and financial devastation that is about to take place.


Thatcher, Redwood, Hague, Bill Cash cruelly mocked at the time have been proven right.


Blair, Mandelson, Heseltine, Clarke, Kennedy, Danny Alexander. All wrong.




Would that be the same Thatcher who campaigned for the UK to stay in the EEC at the 1975 referendum, who signed the Single European Act in 1986 and who with Nigel Lawson signed sterling up to the European Exchange Rate Mechanism in 1990?

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yes but she was never keen.





Would that be the same Thatcher who campaigned for the UK to stay in the EEC at the 1975 referendum, who signed the Single European Act in 1986 and who with Nigel Lawson signed sterling up to the European Exchange Rate Mechanism in 1990?
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Sorry i dont know what you are on about.


Why don’t you wake up and smell the stench coming from the banks. All the money from all the so called failed states, goes to the banks as do the bail outs, thus cutting out the middle men, the people.


Thatcher deregulated, and helped start this nightmare, so instead of looking at what you are told is the s**t, why not actually investigate it yourself.


As for politicians, they are in the pockets of the banks, and as the MP's expenses proved, they are bought for chicken feed. Who hold the purse strings governs the country, state etc. We pay the bankers for creating the debt to begin with, or did I miss a trick?


So you like to scream at the messengers, the puppets of the banks.....BRILLIANT!

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