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The Euro swindle: Thatcher was right


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Why don’t you wake up and smell the stench coming from the banks. All the money from all the so called failed states, goes to the banks as do the bail outs, thus cutting out the middle men, the people.


Thatcher deregulated, and helped start this nightmare, so instead of looking at what you are told is the s**t, why not actually investigate it yourself.


As for politicians, they are in the pockets of the banks, and as the MP's expenses proved, they are bought for chicken feed. Who hold the purse strings governs the country, state etc. We pay the bankers for creating the debt to begin with, or did I miss a trick?


So you like to scream at the messengers, the puppets of the banks.....BRILLIANT!


The UK is also in bed with the banks just like the Euro-zone countries are, but how come the £pound is not in the brown stuff as much as the Euro is??

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The UK is also in bed with the banks just like the Euro-zone countries are, but how come the £pound is not in the brown stuff as much as the Euro is??


You might be happy with a 30% devaluation. I'm not sure that everyone shares your view.

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They were always going to be right. They were even more right as the EU got expansionist ideas. If you look at the experience of the Germans during re-unification, you get a big clue. Two neighbouring states struggling to unify a currency. Extend that to all of Europe and you have a nightmare.


At the moment, we are all watching the ruling elite apply sticking plasters to protect their little empires. At some point in the future, when the major European econmies are strong enough, the Euro will be no more. The Germans must know that this has to happen. After all, they almost finished the single currency this morning.


As for Euroscepticism, there is a strong tradition of this on both left and right. Both sets of sceptics were regarded as mavericks. Long live the mavericks.

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