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EDL Leader convicted of assault.

John X

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Was it a muslim extremist he assaulted?

John X


This is a bit of nothing really when you consider his long string of convictions and his support for a convicted child porn criminal.


EDL leader and drunk is a violent scumbag.


Not news really but the EDL are running around like headless chickens trying to make out he's a political martyr.

Good job they're headless chickens or the fat pillock would probably try to headbutt them.

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This is a bit of nothing really when you consider his long string of convictions and his support for a convicted child porn criminal.


EDL leader and drunk is a violent scumbag.


Not news really but the EDL are running around like headless chickens trying to make out he's political.

Good job they're headless chickens or the fat pillock would probably try to headbutt them.


If he gets locked up he'll get a letter of support from me and a big fat postal order...:D

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I suppose we did well to get to page 6 before Godwin's law was invoked.


Not quite!


Godwin's law cites 'any' online discussion. When a discussion is specifically about a far-right group it is not unusual to mention the Third Reich.


Also Godwin's law proposes that at some point, a comparison is made between someone's belief and the Nazi ideology. As far as I know this hasn't been done yet, and certainly not in my post, which was simply a historical reference to illustrate my point.


So in fact Godwin's law has not been invoked at all.


Sorry for being pedantic but it is important that these things are corrected and not left to stand! :D


John X

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Not quite!


Godwin's law cites 'any' online discussion. When a discussion is specifically about a far-right group it is not unusual to mention the Third Reich.


Also Godwin's law proposes that at some point, a comparison is made between someone's belief and the Nazi ideology. As far as I know this hasn't been done yet, and certainly not in my post, which was simply a historical reference to illustrate my point.


So in fact Godwin's law has not been invoked at all.


Sorry for being pedantic but it is important that these things are corrected and not left to stand! :D


John X


Yes it has. You really are consistent, consistently wrong....:D

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Yes it has. You really are consistent, consistently wrong....:D
He is indeed.


I just don't see the 'far right' connotation with the EDL.


Racist? I'd expect so.

Thick? Mostly.

Violent/criminal? Plenty.


But far right? I don't see how been a football thuggish/racist necessarily connects them with the far right. Sure, some of them will have neo-Nazi delusions, but I don't think most of them will actually understand what fascism is - their passions are based on misguided and narrow-minded racial issues, not politics.

I'd bet there are as many Labour voters in the EDL as there are BNP voters.

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Yes it has. You really are consistent, consistently wrong....:D


Then you and Conrod need to go and read Godwin's Law again! Ironically, the most common use of Godwin's Law on this forum is when those on the far-right complain that those who oppose Nazis are themselves Nazi's for denying them freedom of speech!



If we are talking about being consistantly wrong, how about this little logic fail on your part! :D


I, and you, don't know the ins or outs, we weren't there...


I reckon Robinson was fitted up.


Edited to add: If Robinson is constantly being 'fitted' up, surely he would be able to successfully appeal all these convictions for violent assault. Or are the judiciary involved in this conspiracy too?


What is interesting is that a figure who holds British law and order in such high esteem as well as our gallant troops, has been convicted of assaulting both a police officer AND an ex-soldier as well as having his girlfriend lie in court for him!


Not very good, is it, for someone who constantly says "If they can't obey our laws then they can sod off to another country! ;)


John X

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Then you and Conrod need to go and read Godwin's Law again! Ironically, the most common use of Godwin's Law on this forum is when those on the far-right complain that those who oppose Nazis are themselves Nazi's for denying them freedom of speech!



If we are talking about being consistantly wrong, how about this little logic fail on your part! :D






John X


I and you don't know the facts so we can only assume. I assume its all a load of garbage. I'm flattered that you take the trouble to dig up my old posts. I've generally forgot yours before I get to the end of a sentence...:hihi:

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I and you don't know the facts so we can only assume. I assume its all a load of garbage.


But we do though!


He was convicted in open court last week and no doubt there will be a transcript of the whole procedure somewhere.


To say he was fitted up you must be saying that as well as many witness statements, mobile phone footage and the testimony of two police officers was all fabricated in an effort to secure a common assault conviction?


Was he also fitted up for assaulting a police officer who was trying to stop him beating his girlfriend in 2004? Were the neighbours who witnessed the attack also drawn into this conspiracy? Remember, the EDL weren't even in existence then so why would they want to fit him up?


Your constant support for this nasty piece of work does you no credit at all! :suspect:


John X

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