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EDL Leader convicted of assault.

John X

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He was convicted in open court last week and no doubt there will be a transcript of the whole procedure somewhere.


This is the cretinous EDL we're talking about.

Tiny things like the truth and fact available in court records don't matter to those fools.

He's a political prisoner convicted by a two tier court system for a political crime. Minor facts such as he headbutted one of his mates are nothing to do with it.

It's all those ruddy Muslims who set him up.

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But we do though!


He was convicted in open court last week and no doubt there will be a transcript of the whole procedure somewhere.


To say he was fitted up you must be saying that as well as many witness statements, mobile phone footage and the testimony of two police officers was all fabricated in an effort to secure a common assault conviction?


Was he also fitted up for assaulting a police officer who was trying to stop him beating his girlfriend in 2004? Were the neighbours who witnessed the attack also drawn into this conspiracy? Remember, the EDL weren't even in existence then so why would they want to fit him up?


Your constant support for this nasty piece of work does you no credit at all! :suspect:


John X


I've already said that even if he was guilty, I don't care. It doesn't change anything. He had a bit of a fight, it really is no big deal...:D

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I've already said that even if he was guilty, I don't care. It doesn't change anything. He had a bit of a fight, it really is no big deal...:D


And kicking a cop in the head and ending up getting 12 months for it.


No big deal either?


John X

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I've already said that even if he was guilty, I don't care. It doesn't change anything. He had a bit of a fight, it really is no big deal...:D


So remind us again, Frank.


What is it about the racist, ex-BNP member and cocaine abusing football hooligan who not only beats his ex-girlfriend but also assaults the police officer who tries to stop him, and headbutts an ex-soldier after verbally abusing him, that you find so attractive? :confused:


He sounds like a complete arse to me, and I suspect most people.


Not really hero material, is he?


John X

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Obviously wrong but we all make mistakes. I've had fights, been arrested but I'm a good chap!...:D


I've never made the mistake of starting street brawls and getting arrested.

It sounds like the sort of thing only mindless cretins do but, as you're a "Good chap", I assume I'm wrong.


Perhaps the tiny penis holder that is the ED leader is also a good chap.

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