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EDL Leader convicted of assault.

John X

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he is not less fortunate then ourselves.. just been brainwashed into saying certain things, plus i think he has had a few drinks.. but in all seriousness that is how they are coming out of school now you only have to watch Jeremy Kyle in a morning



It's all very odd tho.....it can't be that he has been given a script to read whilst intoxicated and got his words mixed up........


And yeah it was an Iranian owned broadcast........


The truth is out there :)

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I'm being serious, it's kinda funny at first but there's something really wrong with him.


Laugh at others less fortunate than you eh?




Holy crap, where do they find these people. I might start a new thread asking if Jeremy has ugly scouts.......I honestly don't think I have seen as many people that ugly in my 30+ years than in that two minute clip!!!




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no they are called CxF (combined ex forces) I believe. think they've had a falling out with the EDL though.


I've just had a look. Not found out much, but at first glance they do look thoroughly dangerous.


I am sure that the powers that be quite rightly have their eyes on them.

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but there's something really wrong with him. ?


Obviously, otherwise he would have nothing to do with the Extremely Dense Lunatics.


Laugh at others less fortunate than you eh?


No. Just laughing at the bigots, nothing to do with people's intelligence

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but at first glance they do look thoroughly dangerous.


A deeper glance shows that to be true.


Bill Baker Sooner we start killing Muslims the better and their socialist pals.


Bill Baker My attitude is purely defensive Sue. While we still have the advantage we have to act. Start killing them now before they start killing us really. We know that it's going to happen eventually and the best form of defence is attack


Bill Baker ..know we need to kill or be killed and no mercy for anyone once it kicks off. Die or leave is the only choice they should have.


Bill Baker Sure that can be arranged :). Amazing how quickly a fire can start from a little squirt of lighter fuel :)


Billy Baker is the former self-appointed, Cxf organiser


John X

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