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EDL Leader convicted of assault.

John X

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As the BNP and the EDL go hand in hand according to some, this was a very interesting article from the BBC:


Apparently at a BNP meeting in the North East last week, half those attending were members of the North-East Division of the EDL. Also when 'Sir' Tommy was on 'hunger strike' in Luton jail, Nick Griffin made an 'appeal' on his behalf.


Two far-right organisations on the decline holding out an olive branch to each other? Where are 'all' the black and Asian supporters of the EDL going to go if they merge with the BNP? :confused:


John X

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I'd still support them, and him. Since when has the British Justice System treated anyone who confronts the establishment with unpalatable truths, fairly?




He headbutted an ex-soldier, was arrested and charged and found guilty at Preston Magistrates' Court.


Apart from a number of witnesses to the incident, there was mobile phone footage of the incident as well as the testimony of two police officers who witnessed the assault.


In what conceivable way was his conviction unfair? :rolleyes:


John X

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I'd still support them, and him. Since when has the British Justice System treated anyone who confronts the establishment with unpalatable truths, fairly?


Long may he reign - King Tommy...:)


Do you support the guy who was inciting murder and arson?

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Two tier justice as quoted...



That would only make any sense if the guy 'Sir' Tommy assaulted, had hit him first as in the Prescott case.


As far as I know this isn't the case. In fact Robinson/Lennon was verbally abusing him before he actually headbutted him.


John X

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