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God/gods god/gods

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And the definition of Agbus is





won't answer anything you ask, tries to distract from the questions at hand with unrelated copy/pastes, accuses you of allsorts, calls you allsorts, doesn't like it if you do the same back.


Roots, you owe me a new keyboard.


A cup of tea, plus reading that comment, does not equal a pristine keyboard.

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Is it actually an insult to point out people's behaviour? AND have written proof of it?

If you're referring to the Satan thing, you called it me first, so we're even. Why are you asking others to report me? Do it yourself if you really think I'm being insulting, Grahame.


No, it's not an insult to call someone on their behaviour, IMO...

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You need an education but when I try do do that you become aggressive, hostile and you call me names even calling me Satan and I have a screen shot to prove it.


Good for you. I have it on-screen in the post I wrote it, where I'm leaving it. There's also everything you've ever written as Agbus AND Grahame in all these threads too.

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You ask similar questions to me. All I've ever wanted to know is what convinces people to believe. For this I have been called an Atheist, Satanic, immoral, ridiculous, aggressive, accused of having an agenda and spreading Satanic propaganda.


I've never actually recieved an answer though. I don't actually care whether a god exists or not, I'm merely intrigued as to what experience could instill belief of a divine/supreme being in someone. Grahame earlier said that reading the bible convinced him, but to me there are too many contradictions in the bible for it to make sense and it is too vague, with much being down to interpretation. I find it hard to believe that somebody can be convinced solely by something so variable in it's meaning.


As a child I was told about Christ and God, I went to Sunday school, was confirmed a Christian, my parents helped with the church services and the running of the church. I knew several of the vicars but nothing I saw or heard made any sense, I ask question but the answers never convinced me there was a God. One thing I could never understand was that if God was this all powerful entity, why he would find the time to talk to just a few humans when he must be capable of talking the every sentient life form in every time period and every universe all at the same time and with very little effort. I could never get my head round why a God would create humans and then allow them to suffer unnecessarily.

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The whole essence of a debate is to seek out the truth, I only wish atheists were as keen to do that as they are to deny and belittle everything to do with the subject.


I have tried to seek out the truth but you are ignoring my questions and being evasive.

Maybe it would be better if you just tell us that you believe in God but you don’t know why.

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Darn right.


MrSmith is I think from reading his posts nominally a Christian? (correct me if I'm wrong here MrSmith). I'd probably have an interesting and stimulating debate with him about God/Jehovah/Allah or whatever flavour he follows for the simple reason that we would both respect each others viewpoints.


GrAgbus on the other hand just goes off halfcocked and when people won't listen he ultimately "ignores" them. You cannot debate with soemone like that.


I was brought up a Christian but class myself as an atheist.

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As a child I was told about Christ and God, I went to Sunday school, was confirmed a Christian, my parents helped with the church services and the running of the church. I knew several of the vicars but nothing I saw or heard made any sense, I ask question but the answers never convinced me there was a God. One thing I could never understand was that if God was this all powerful entity, why he would find the time to talk to just a few humans when he must be capable of talking the every sentient life form in every time period and every universe all at the same time and with very little effort. I could never get my head round why a God would create humans and then allow them to suffer unnecessarily.


I just saw my post quoted on yours, by "You ask similar questions to me" I meant "similar questions to mine" but I think you already realised that.


I too often ask why a god supposedly speaks to some people but not me. How am I expected to believe in something that makes it's presence known to others but seems to avoid me. I'm not an atheist, I don't say "there is no God" so why does he/she/it avoid me?

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exscuse the diversion....think i get the message now.

you are all a bunch of exhibitionists. loads of people viewing this thread i see.

(got the picture).--- i suspect you are all in the same boys club trying to wind folks up.----and to think i fell for it!

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