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As long as you don't say that what you do (whatever it is) is Christian.


Well, I don't think it makes any difference what I say... It's as Christian as any other act. My worldview isn't bogged down with 2000 year old propaganda and an antiquated way of living your life which is filled with omens and warnings of sin. UGH. What a way to live... Talk about oppression.

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Yet all those things were done and are recognised as "Christianity"


Your perfect christian who never does wrong is a myth and doesn't exist.


If they did exist they would be free of sin, so it begs the question why do they then need a god to save them?


Ergo they sin, ergo christianity is always going to have some bad people in it regardless of how much you protest otherwise.


Those things are done by people who say they are Christians. Apparently according to a thread on here we live in a Christian country, I only wish that were true.


Christianity is defined by Jesus and anything outside of that definition is not Christianity.

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Well, I don't think it makes any difference what I say... It's as Christian as any other act. My worldview isn't bogged down with 2000 year old propaganda and an antiquated way of living your life which is filled with omens and warnings of sin. UGH. What a way to live... Talk about oppression.


If that is your view of Christianity then obviously you don't follow it.

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Those things are done by people who say they are Christians. Apparently according to a thread on here we live in a Christian country, I only wish that were true.


Christianity is defined by Jesus and anything outside of that definition is not Christianity.


For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.


Doesnt say anything that means all people must immediately be pious and good - in fact jesus surrounded himself with people that were shall we say a bit less than ideal at times.


Like it or not all christians sin, and along with their sins they also have a lot of strange baggage that is harmful and damaging to themselves and to others. Out of all the abrahamic religions I find Christianity the most distateful and divisve in this regard I'm afraid.

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For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.


Doesnt say anything that means all people must immediately be pious and good - in fact jesus surrounded himself with people that were shall we say a bit less than ideal at times.


Like it or not all christians sin, and along with their sins they also have a lot of strange baggage that is harmful and damaging to themselves and to others. Out of all the abrahamic religions I find Christianity the most distateful and divisve in this regard I'm afraid.


Yes we are all sinners myself included and yes that is why Jesus came into the world which is why he spent time with sinners who need to follow him. I assume from your attitude you do not follow Him?

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If that is your view of Christianity then obviously you don't follow it.


LOL. You go on and on about sexual sin and morality but you've clearly no idea how to live a free and healthy life.


All you do is judge others and look down on sex.


Here's a summary: consensual sex of any kind, whether it's with a loving couple, ladies, or guys, is not wrong. Neither is a one night stand, or any other form of consensual nookie!


Regardless of what the Bible may say.

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Yes we are all sinners myself included and yes that is why Jesus came into the world which is why he spent time with sinners who need to follow him. I assume from your attitude you do not follow Him?


Then if you sin by your own logic you are not following jesus and cannot call yourself a christian.


Me - I'm a hard atheist myself.

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Christianity is doing what Jesus said to do...


A guy in Italy recently plucked out his eyes while in church[link]. I guess he was doing what Jesus said to do: Matthew 18:9 And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into the hell of fire.


Don't know about you, but I don't fancy the idea of having to care for a nation of delusional folk who stupidly do what Jesus said to do.

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LOL. You go on and on about sexual sin and morality but you've clearly no idea how to live a free and healthy life.


All you do is judge others and look down on sex.


Here's a summary: consensual sex of any kind, whether it's with a loving couple, ladies, or guys, is not wrong. Neither is a one night stand, or any other form of consensual nookie!


Regardless of what the Bible may say.


I didn't bring it up you did and thank you for telling me what you think. I don't agree with you and that is my prerogative but I won't be going on and on about it like some people unless they engage me in conversation and neither will I constantly harass people in the same way they harass Christians. :)

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A guy in Italy recently plucked out his eyes while in church[link]. I guess he was doing what Jesus said to do: Matthew 18:9 And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into the hell of fire.


Don't know about you, but I don't fancy the idea of have to care for a nation of delusional folk who stupidly do what Jesus said to do.


That is sad and so is Aids and drugs and I know who is in the majority by far and it isn't people plucking their eyes out. :loopy:

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