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Very funny. Even if you WEREN'T Grahame, you've already said that you've had a look back at his posts, so this sudden "who is Grahame?" routine just further goes to show your dishonesty.


Looking at someones posts doesn't tell you who he is.

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I defined evil for you like you asked so now you should be able to tell good and evil apart. :)

Indeed you did. Here is your definition.

Evil is anything that harms, either physically, emotionally of financially.

I find some of your posts emotionally harmful, therefore you are evil.



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I suggest you look in a mirror then.


I'm getting tired of all this nonsense. I thought atheists were more intelligent, but then if they were they would be Christians. I'm going to have a rest, all these silly comments are getting me down.

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It is sad because he misunderstood the Bible the same as atheists do and they are sad as well.


Matthew 18:9 is quite clear. In fact, that man followed his delusional and irresponsible cult leader's teachings to the letter. Obviously, that man - who really demonstrated belief in the irresponsible and delusional teachings of Jesus - is a real Christian and you, being a sinner with your eyes and other limbs still intact, are not the real deal.


Don't try to be clever or you can look after all the druggies and I will look after the bloke who plucked his eye out. That seems fair enough to me.


Druggies, can - and do - pretty much look after themselves. But a nation of blind Christians would be dead within a week.

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Jesus said it was OK to beat slaves, even if they didn't know they had done anything wrong. Do you agree with this?




Again you have it wrong. If I said to you to stop doing something you would probably tell me to mind my own business, so Jesus set out to protect them from their wicked masters.

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