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EC at it's best?

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The European Commission has threatened legal action against the UK, saying a test of eligibility for benefits discriminates against foreigners.


"This could mean the British taxpayer paying out over £2bn extra a year in benefits to people who have no connection to our country and who have never paid in a penny in tax."


Somebody explain to me the reasoning behind this because I give up.

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As far as I can understand it by reading the news reports, what it amounts to is that the EC thinks our right of residency test is discriminatory, because British citizens don't have to take it but non-citizens do.



Since right of residency is automatic to any British citizen, I don't really see the point of making them undergo a test to prove they have a right of residency... but hey ho. Make them take the test, which they pass automatically because of their citizenship, and the amounts actually paid out to claimants won't change in the slightest.

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