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Another bad winter?

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This september, forcasters have predicted another bad winter for 2011, with heavy snow fall as early as mid october, last december was the coldest in 100 years, yet this year it is said to get even lower :o with the massive complications the severe weather brought us last year, are we ready for another? with the fuel prices set to increase this autum, im wondering how people are going to cope including me if this severe winter hits us.


i know it seems funny talking about this with the glorious weather we are getting at the moment, but october is only round the corner and if ive learnt anything, is that british weather can turn at the drop of a hat! what do you think, are forcasters right? do you think we are heading for another bad winter?

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This september, forcasters have predicted another bad winter for 2011, with heavy snow fall as early as mid october, last december was the coldest in 100 years, yet this year it is said to get even lower :o with the massive complications the severe weather brought us last year, are we ready for another? with the fuel prices set to increase this autum, im wondering how people are going to cope including me if this severe winter hits us.


i know it seems funny talking about this with the glorious weather we are getting at the moment, but october is only round the corner and if ive learnt anything, is that british weather can turn at the drop of a hat! what do you think, are forcasters right? do you think we are heading for another bad winter?



Well, if a bad winter has been predicted and advanced warning has been given, it should give people time to prepare. I bet people will still be on here whinging though :P


As for predictions. Seeing is believing, but it's always best to air on the side of caution.

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Why? Are you off to Aus? :)


I wish! :hihi:


Not looking forward to this snow we're meant to be getting. Preparation is all well and good, but I have a due baby on Oct 28th. I've planned for a home birth anyway, so not worried about getting to hospital (unless something goes wrong) but I don't know how the OH will cope without a midwife :hihi: The snow was waist high on my road last year, not looking forward to it at all.

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