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Cyber Wars Between a 43 & 13 yr Old Result In Physical Attack

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Not played COD. Does it allow you to teabag the corpse of your opponent like other games do? That'd really wind him up :hihi:






How did the 46 year old, father of three that lives in a bedsit track down the child?????



We recall that about 2/3 years ago, on a big moroting forum, one guy was so wound up re his vauxhall Corsa being slagged off by a bloke with a Merc, the bloke with the corsa tracked down the merc guy and beat him up - it was never clear how the guy tracked the other down and they had never met before and lived a 100 miles apart.

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Can we discuss the topic in hand rather than turning it into a discussion of the Daily Mail please. We do not want to have to remove any more posts or the thread completely.






Before we went out, we thought, where is the thread.

Having read the stroy again, still can't work out how the 46 yr tracked down the kid.


This kind of thing happens, you win a game, debate or make good prediction re stock market/etc - we recall the time when we sold all our shares before the "Black Friday" or was it Wed?? Anyways, we were telling people how we made it clear what we were doing and markets we over due for a massive fall/correction - as people has lost money, one took our genral comments very personally and tried to get us banned time after time, then sent us threas via pm's and email as we were silly enough to make our Email address public, then he must have sent a trojan virus - posted about where we lived/etc/etc - eventally we had to call the cops. The bloke lived in a bedsit had no shares but was just a loner, cyber warrir - cops asked us if we wanted to press charges we dceided against it as we felt sorry for the bloke


how did the grown up man trace the kid???

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13 year olds tend not be very "net savvy", the kid probably left lots of clues as to his whereabouts in his online profile or whatever.





We missed that.


It is indeed a fact that many, inc well educated adults that are socially adept can and do make mistakes on the net. Most will have an idea that we live in London and the first part of the postcode. Most will be aware that we have three cars at our address, and all are black and two are relatively expensive. With a bit of research could easily be narrowed down. People can unwittlingly give their location away just like we said - we have often posted re the family make up and their jobs. The say the world is a small place and that is a fact at times when you don't want it to be.


today, we were attempting to watch a recorded Homes Under de hammer prog recorded few weeks ago - guess what we say on the front seat of an auction, one of our work colleagues - prog was recorded in 2010.


when we went to Japan many years ago, we happened to bump into a family friend that we had not met for 10yrs


Thanks for reading this post

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