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Its official, we're a christian country

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In the Christian areas, there are many Islamic shopkeepers

In the Islamic areas there are no Christian shopkeepers.

I'd also like to add that Balpin didn't commit a name to these "areas". He was extremely unspecific, because if he was specific we could then question him further, which he doesn't want.


I may take the small step of believing him if he is willing to name the areas that have "no Christian shopkeepers".

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Right lads,

I withdraw the comment re someone having a go at me because of my race.

As for the rest, if you are so concerned, forget it.

If you dont believe I know my freinds carry on, that is your perogative.

The areas btw are in the conurbation of west yorks.

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Right lads,

I withdraw the comment re someone having a go at me because of my race.

As for the rest, if you are so concerned, forget it.

If you dont believe I know my freinds carry on, that is your perogative.

The areas btw are in the conurbation of west yorks.


Names please. That's far too vague.

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I'd also like to add that Balpin didn't commit a name to these "areas". He was extremely unspecific, because if he was specific we could then question him further, which he doesn't want.


I may take the small step of believing him if he is willing to name the areas that have "no Christian shopkeepers".


Its true in a sense. Areas do change when lots of immigrants move in. Traditional shops close because a large part of their trade is replaced by others, from overseas, who don't want their goods. This is frustrating for the original community because the shops they use close.


I think areas like Page Hall are a good example. Most of the shops there now have changed...

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Its true in a sense. Areas do change when lots of immigrants move in. Traditional shops close because a large part of their trade is replaced by others

Now we come to free market arguments, because it isn't the fault of the "area" that the shops they don't use are closed. There isn't a chinese supermarket in Crystal Peaks because there isn't a market for it*. I have to get a bus into town or London Road if I want to buy soy sauce.


It isn't a suprise then that areas with large Indian and Pakistani communities have shops that market to Indian and Pakistani tastes. There is no longer a market for the pub, or the off-licence, as quick examples. Yet still, Balpin claims "no Christian shopkeepers", so it is fair to question his claim.



* To cover my back; there may be a market for it. We won't know until somebody tries.

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